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Emma's POV:

I woke up to find myself being drug out of the back of the van in my now wrinkled dress. I was still too groggy to even realize what was going on. I glanced up and saw a pair of brown  eyes. I couldn't remember where I had seen those eyes. Too tired to think about it I groaned and buried my face into the stranger with the green eyes chest. This seemed to take him by surprise because I could feel him falter in his step.

He carried me up a flight of stairs and through a doorway, upon which he had to duck his head. I had no clue where I was at and right about now I didn't really care. All I could focus on was sleep, oh yeah, and the strong arms that were holding me and the nice smell coming from that person.

I felt myself being put down and was suddenly cold, the warmth from his body was gone and I was still only in a dress. I kept my eyes shut tightly and I brought my knees up to my chest in a pathetic attempt to keep warm. All of a sudden, I felt a warm soft blanket on top of my body. I clutched at the ends with my small hands and fell asleep.

Andrew's POV:

I put a blanket over top of the girl. She looked cold in only that dress. Pretty but cold. I turned around to face my fellow accomplices and pulled my mask off, as did they. I hated wearing that thing. It was hot.

"So do you know anything about the girl?" Seth asked me. He had been the one that was in the house with me. Seth was a large muscular man; he was shorter than I was, but made up for it in strength. He had hazel eyes with dirty blonde hair that he kept in a buzz cut.

"No, only that my dad told me that she was the only heir to the Tavor Mafia, big rivals to our family."

"So she's just another spoiled rich girl that lives off of Mommy and Daddy wearing designer clothes." Aidan called from the front of the jet.

"Yeah." I said flopping down on one of the leather couches. I mean she was wearing a Versace dress, I saw the label.

"Ready to go home?" Aidan said as he started the Jet.

"Yeah." I replied looking at the girl sleeping on the couch across from me.

Emma's POV:

I woke up with a pounding headache. It felt as if someone had slammed my head into a wall. I brought my hand up to my forehead as I sat up. The cover fell off of me leaving me cold again.

"She's awake." I heard someone say.

"Good, we'll be landing in a couple of minutes." Came another voice that seemed farther away.

I opened my eyes to find two men standing above me. Of course I didn't remember anything so I screamed. Yep, I screamed and then fell off of the couch. Wow, what a great impression.

"Calm down." A man with a dirty blonde buzz cut told me.


"Stop yelling!" The other man ordered.

He had shaggy dark brown hair, he was tall and he seemed to be muscular and lean at the same time. His lips were formed into a frown. A few pieces of his dark hair fell into his chocolate brown eyes. Wait! Brown  eyes, I remember those eyes. I now remember exactly what happened.

"Why did you kidnap me?" I demanded.

"You know why." Was all I got in reply.

"No I don't!" I stated, crossing my arms over my chest. Now remind you that I am still sitting on the floor so I look like a four-year-old throwing a tantrum.

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