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Logic POV

I wake wake up to the shrill scream of my alarm clock telling me to wake. I sigh as I move into a sitting position and turn off the screaming alarm clock. I stretch and go to get ready for the day.

As always, I am the first to wake seeing that the other personalities like to sleep in. I make my way into the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. As I start the machine I hear foot steps patter into the kitchen behind me. I turn and smile at the other personality.

"Good morning Morality" I say acting a little to excited for seven thirty in the morning.

"Morning", Morality says sleepily as he stretches. I can't help but adore how cute he looks in the morning with his messy bed head and droopy eye lids. I will admit, I have had certain feelings for the older personality since we had become friends.

Morality walked over to the coffee pot and watched it as it started filling up the pot with its caffeinated brown liquid. As the pot filled we sat in a comfortable silence enjoying the silence of the morning without the other personalities.

The coffee pot was now filled and ready for us to consume. I grabbed two mugs and placed one in front of Morality. He grabbed it and filled his cup with coffee and then proceeded to fill it with creamer and loads of sugar. I cringed.

"That amount of sugar is not healthy..." I said as I poured my own coffee. I prefer mine black. Morality turned and sipped his coffee.

"I have a high metabolism!" He said as he smiled at me and taking another sip of his coffee. I smiled back at him, his smile was contagious and I loved how he made me feel even if we could never be together. Why would this charming loving person like someone like me who was cold and analytical.

I sighed and sipped my pipping hot coffee.

"Whats wrong Logan?" Morality asked stepping closer to me.

"Nothing, just some thinking" I reply taking another sip from the bitter coffee. Morality steps closer some more and sets his mug on the counter behind him.

"What are you thinking about?" Morality asks with the most adorable face. I think i'm blushing but I couldn't tell if it's from my coffee of the personality standing in front of me.

"Nothing" I respond not so convincingly.

"No! Tell me please?" Morality pouts as he puts his hands together and pleads. I sigh and put my coffee down behind me.

"If you really want to know, I was thinking about how you could never like someone as cold as  me..." I blush as I finish my words. I look up at Morality. He just smiles at me.

"Why would you think that? We're best friends!" Morality says as he beams his gorgeous smile at me. 

I sigh, "That's not what I meant... I meant romantically..." I look down waiting for Morality's response.

There's a long silence and I look up confused. When I raise my head I see Morality grinning.

"What?" I ask very confused, I thought there was going to be a negative response but i just didn't seem to come. The next second I see Morality rush at me and knock me to the ground. I groan at the forced wight and fall, but do nothing to remove the male on top of me.

"M-Morality, what a-are you doing?" I question blushing and stammering.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?!" Morality asked right into my face. I blush once more.

"I was afraid that you wouldn't reciprocate my feelings..." I say looking away from the face in front of mine.

Morality takes my face into his hands and surprisingly kisses me. I'm shocked for a moment but then begin to kiss him back. His lips are soft and warm, and his mouth is sweet and tastes like coffee. I tangle my fingers into Morality's hair and deepen our kiss.

Before things get too heated I hear someone whistle. I immediately  look up at  two people standing there. It was a sleepy looking couple, Prince and Anxiety. I blush and hide my face.

"H-How long have you been standing there?" I ask nervously.

"Since dad tackled you to the floor" Anxiety said smirking.

"I SHIP IT SO HARD!!!" Prince squealed.

Morality awkwardly gets up and then helps me up then turns to me, "So are we dating now?"

"I guess we are" I say smiling and taking his hand in mine. Prince is jumping up and down.

"I have to tell Thomas!" Prince says as he sinks to go see Thomas. Then Anxiety yells after him and sinks too.

"Well, want to watch a movie?" I ask pointing to the couch. Morality nods and we walk over to the couch and cuddle on it while I have Morality choose our movie.

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