Over worked (Logan/Roman)

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The princely side strode out of the imagination after a long day of defeating villains and monsters with a tired yet satisfied grin. He walked to his room for a nice long shower and then clothed himself in evening clothes for dinner. After making sure his hair looked perfect, Roman stepped out of his room to the kitchen where he could see Patton making dinner with Virgil waiting patiently at the table with his phone. But where was Logan?

Roman hadn't seen him since breakfast. He looked at Virgil and Patton. "Do you two know where Logan is?"

"Sorry kiddo, I haven't seen him since this morning but when you find him tell him dinner is ready." Patton said while taking out some plates and glasses.

"He's been in his room all day." Virgil pipes in.

"Thank you Virge!" Roman singsongs and waltzes over to Logan's room with a stupid smile on his face. Once he reaches Logan's door he knocks. There was no response.

Roman opens the door and walks in it was surprisingly dark.

The only light in the room was coming from Logan's desk light where Logan was hunched over scribbling things down and mumbling to himself unintelligibly. Logan was constantly running his hands through his already messy hair and bouncing his leg under his desk.

Roman walked over quietly and and put a hand on Logan's shoulder. Logan flinched and continued to work furiously. He did not need to look up to see who it was.

"Hello Roman, do you need anything?" Logan asked without looking up from the stacks of paper in front of him.

Roman sighed, "We have talked about overworking yourself love." He turned Logan's chair to look at him. He looked terrible with his blood shot eyes that were barely open. His hair was just a complete mess and his glasses set askew on his face.

"I'm fine, really, I just need to finish these few papers and I'll be done." Logan turned back around to his work. Roman looked at his love skeptically but eventually gave up.

"Okay but when you are done come out for dinner please?" Roman begged. The only response he got was a grunt from the logical side.

Roman, worried and upset walked out of his room reluctantly and walked out to the kitchen where Patton and Virgil were sitting at the table waiting for them. Patton looked up at Prince with confusion when Roman was the only one there.

"Where is Logan kiddo?" Patton asked.

"He is in his room doing work. He said he would come join us when he is done." Roman said sitting down and beginning his dinner. Virgil shrugged and began eating as well. Patton hesitantly looked down at his plate and ate too.

It was silent and everyone finished and yet Patton and Roman waited for Logan to come join them while Virgil cleaned his plate and walked to his room.

So they waited for thirty more minutes and Logan had yet to come out of his room. The entire time Roman and Patton shared tired worried looks.

"I'm beginning to worry about him Patton.." Roman sighed. "This has been going on for a week."

Patton smiled sadly at Roman, "I know son, maybe we should have him take a break?"

"Yeah... That sounds good. I'll talk with him about it but right now he needs to have something other than coffee today." Roman stands up and picks up Logan's plate. "I'll see you in the morning" Patton waved goodbye and Roman walked to Logan's room again this time with dinner for his love.

Roman came into Logan's room again without knocking because he knew Logan wouldn't respond anyway. He saw Logan in the exact same position from when he first left him. Roman strode over and picked up Logan's work setting it aside.

"Hey!" Logan protested and turned to face Roman but his boyfriend didn't care. He set the plate down in front of Logan and crossed his arms.

"You need to eat love. I know for a fact that you haven't eaten today." Roman sat on Logan's bed facing him.

"I..I forgot. I apologize." Logan looked down at his hands.

"That's okay but I brought you dinner. It would make me really happy if you ate."

Logan nodded and began to eat. Roman stood and smiled. "I'm going to go to bed. You should too after you finish eating." He leaned over and kissed his love on the forehead. Logan smiled and nodded. "I will"

Satisfied with the answer, Roman turned out of the room and went to get ready for bed.

Roman woke in the morning with happy thoughts and went to get ready for the day with a shower and his beauty routine. After he was finished he went into the kitchen where he saw a sleepy Virgil and a happy Patton having a quiet conversation while the two shared pancakes. It was a happy scene but once again, Logan was no where to be seen. Roman's happy demeanor faltered and he frowned. Patton went to ask him a question but he ignored and turned to march into Logan's room.

There was Logan once again in the same exact position he was left in last night. Roman walked over and turned Logan's chair to face him. What he saw made him want to cry. Logan had developed dark circles under his eyes and his eyes were even more blood shot than before. His lips were chapped and red from him probably biting at them all night, a bad habit Logan had when he was deep into his work. And his hair looked more like a rats nest than anything else.

Roman got on his knees and took Logan's face in his hands staring up at him sadly. "Why are you still working?"

"I just had to finish up some work before bed..." Logan said sluggishly

"Love... it's 9 in the morning" Roman sighed.

Logan blinked slowly at his boyfriend before responding. "Oh... I was not aware"

"Okay, that's it. We are going to sleep." Roman said firmly and stood up taking Logan's hand to pull him up. Logan didn't resist and laid most of his weight on Roman.

"Okay" Logan said not having the energy to resist.

Roman picked his love up in his arms and walked over to Logan's bed laying in the bed and taking his glasses off before snapping them both into sleeping attire. Roman laid next to him and got them under the covers before kissing his boyfriend's head and running his fingers through the disheveled hair. Logan hummed quietly and turned to Roman giving his a sweet kiss. Roman smiled and kissed him back. Logan pulled back and stared into Roman's eyes. "I'm sorry for worrying you my prince. You know how busy I get."

"Yes I do, but that doesn't give you the right to not take care of yourself. Besides, aren't you the one that tells us that it is essential to have a regular sleeping schedule?"

"Yeah, I apologize for overworking myself... again."

"That's quite alright love. Now hush and get some sleep. As much as I love talking with you, it's time to take care of yourself." Roman smiles and gives Logan another kiss hugging him closely.

Logan fell asleep almost immediately with the attention he was getting from his beloved. Roman stayed with him all day.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2019 ⏰

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