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Prompt by BBCanimefangirl

Logan can't feel pain, so when he breaks his arm he doesn't notice that he is slowly bleeding to death until virgil points it out to him. Also this might be graphic.

Logan POV

I started my morning off with a nice shower and getting dressed. I headed out to the kitchen where Patton would be making breakfast. As I was making my way down the stairs I tripped over Roman's scabbard. I fell down the entire flight and landed right onto my side with my arm trapped under me. I cursed and stood. I didn't feel anything which was normal, I don't ever feel pain. I fixed my hair and shirt and went into the kitchen to be greeted by all the sides at the table with plates of breakfast. I joined them with a smile.

Later after breakfast Patton had to leave to work with Thomas for the day which left me, Roman, and Virgil to our lonesomes. Roman went to his room and Virgil and I stayed in the living room. I took out my book and resumed from my last spot. 

After a few silent moments I started to feel dizzy and was forced to put the book down as I braced myself against the side of the chair. Soon enough my head stopped spinning and I picked up the book again, not caring about the moment. 

Virgil was on his phone with his headphones until Roman came out and joined his side smiling as he hugged his partner. Virgil smiles and took the headphones off. I smiled and tried to refocus on my reading but found it incredibly difficult because of how much I was suddenly sweating. My skin was cold and clammy. I started to worry that I was coming down with something. So I stood up and started to walk to my room until another wave of dizziness hit me and made me stop. I gripped the nearest most stable object which happened to be the wall next to Virgil and Roman. They both looked up at me. 

"Are you feeling alright Logan? You look pale." Roman commented as he stood up and stood a little closer to me.

"I am alright Roman, just a bit dizzy." I smiled slightly at his concern until my vision filled with black dots. I suddenly felt like my lungs stopped receiving air and I started to hyperventilate.

Virgil gasped and I saw him point at my book. I looked down to see it covered with blood. I followed the trail of blood and saw that my arm was bleeding profusely. You could see the bone poking out of the broken skin. The bone had been snapped in half and had broken the skin in my forearm . Then it hit me that I was going into hypovolemic shock and I felt my knees buckle under me. I heard the other shout my name. Before I hit the floor I felt strong arms quickly scoop me up.

I looked up and saw Roman holding me with concern in his eyes. I could faintly hear him telling Virgil to go get Thomas and Patton before my eyes slipped closed. One name flashed in my head before going unconscious. 



Pattons POV

I was working with Thomas on how to help support the local puppy pound before I saw Virgil appear in a panic. I quickly stood as soon as he appeared. 

"What's wrong kiddo?" I asked nervously before looking at Thomas who had also stood and was looking equally as concerned.

"You need to come quick, it's Logan..." That sent me into panic. I quickly grabbed Thomas' arm and sunk down into the mind space. First I saw Logan passed out in Roman's arms, then I saw the blood dripping down Logan's arm onto the carpet. I rush over and rip off my cardigan. I guess I will finally put my surgical knowledge into keeping my love alive.

I ordered Roman to lay Logan down. He did so. I took my gray cardigan and applied pressure to the wound. I turned to Roman and told him to summon up everything I told him. Gauze, medical tape, alcohol pads, gloves, gauze roll, cotton balls, a bag of Thomas' blood type,  and surgical tools for resetting the arm and closing the large wound and making sure Logan gets his blood levels back to normal.

Soon enough everything I asked for was surrounding me on two metal trays. I told everyone to stay back as I started cleaning the wound and placing Logan's bone back in place. It was deadly silent and I was nervous but soon I was closing the wound and tightly wrapping the arm to keep it from moving. The catheter was set up and Roman set Logan on the couch so he would be comfortable.

I rolled off of my sore legs and onto my back with my arms outstretched to the side with the still bloody gloves on. I sighed and looked up at everyone who had relieved looks on their faces. I asked what happened and Virgil told me everything he knew. I sighed but smiled and stood up to take my gloves off. I was soon hugged by everyone and we sat on the ground in front of logan waiting for him to wake up.

I brushed Logan's hair out of his face and kissed his head. I rested my head on his and closed my eyes.


Logan's POV

I slowly opened my eyes only to meet another pair looking down at me. I smiled as I soon realized that it was Patton judging from how close he was and how he smelled like cookies. I blush when Patton runs his fingers through my hair. I sigh happily and close my eyes again. I open them again when he stops. Patton sits back and sighs.

"What happened Logan?" Patton asked with a concerned face.

"Well, after I awoke and was coming down the stairs I tripped and fell down them-"Patton gasped.

"-and landed on my arm. Everything seemed fine so I went to breakfast."

"Why didn't you come get me if your arm was broken?" Patton asked.

"I didn't know it was broken.."

"How do you not notice when your arm is broken, I've broken my arm three times and it hurts!" Roman exclaimed.

"Well, I just don't feel any pain." I said with a slight shrug.

Everyone gawked at me. 

"Did you not know? Well I guess it never came up." I sighed.

"That's not very safe Logan." Virgil pipped in. "You can majorly injure yourself without knowing like today." 

"Well, nothing like this has happened before so I assumed that I was fine." I looked at Patton who threw himself at me and hugged me. I was shocked but not unhappy. I hugged back and saw that I had a cast on. 

Patton hugged me tightly. He pulled back and looked at me after a little while.

"You will come to me every time you bump into something, trip, or fall understood?" Patton said using his dad voice. I blushed. 

"I-I don't think that is ver-" 

"You have too, I don't want to risk you getting hurt like this ever again, okay?" Patton looked very intent on making me say yes.

"Alright Patton, only because it would make you feel better." I smile at him and Patton smiles back. 

I will never get over that smile. I gently cup Patton's jaw and bring him into a sweet deep kiss forgetting that the others were still there. 

Patton hesitated and blushed but kissed back smiling widely.

Thomas and Roman get some pictures for their otp and aww. 

I blush and pull back slightly out of breath.


From then on, Patton checked on Logan every day and even started sleeping in the same bed as him just to make sure he was safe. Logan wasn't complaining in the slightest. He loved Patton and was thankful for his presence. He made sure to keep his promise and make sure that they were happy.

Wow, gotta say, not my best. Whatever peace.

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