Chapter 40

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After carefully tending to the relatively small, bruised split in Avi's scalp, they switched places, Launa refusing to drive, again, and had every intention of dropping stealthily into Needles to grab extra supplies, and another knife for him, as he'd dropped it in the scuffle. They drove north as far as they could, slowing to a halt and staring in horror at the sight before them.

Needles had fallen at least halfway into the ground. A split in the skin of the earth, brought on by an earthquake, no doubt, arced across the ruined city and well across the highway, blocking their path. They ventured out of the car and stood at the edge of the split, peering down into the gaping maw.

"Well," Avi broke the horrified silence, propping his hands on his narrow hips, "I guess we're not going that way."


They sat in the car the next morning, Avi searching the map for an alternate route to Los Angeles as Launa gave a disgusted once-over to her blood-stained stiletto. What the fuck did I do?

"How about this," he said, cutting off her thoughts, "We go south to Salton Sea, and head west from there?" He traced the map with his finger, showing her exactly where they'd be going.

She leaned over, resting her cheek against his shoulder. "Yeah, okay," she agreed, "Just so long as there's no more hostile-ass people, I'm good."

He offered her a grin and bent to kiss her cheek. "I make no promises," he murmured against her skin, kissing a line to her mouth, "But I'm not laying down on the job, next time."

Launa hummed against his lips, her eyes fluttering shut as he kissed her. "Can there just not be a next time?" she asked as he pulled away, running a hand over his shoulder.

"I hope not," Avi sighed, bending to hotwire the car and squinting at the gasometer, nodding in approval at the half of a tank left, "That was the opposite of fun." He flicked his gaze over at her, looking her over for a moment as she sat back in her seat, buckling in. "Hey."

"What's up?" she responded, meeting his gaze.

He paused, opening his mouth, then shook his head. "Nothing, sorry," he dismissed it, stepping on the gas and turning them around, rattling down the gravelly sands and back onto the highway.

"No, what?" Launa demanded, annoyed, "You keep doing that."

"Don't worry about it," he said, reaching over and running a hand over her braid, "I just lost what I was going to say, is all." She squinted at him, suspicious of his words. She smelled a lie, but decided to let it drop. I'll get it out of him one way or another. Later.


The gigantic crack stalked their path down the highway for a long while, following them and nearly dipping into the road, itself. Launa watched as it arced and danced alongside them, eventually shrinking and fading out completely, at least five miles down the road. She peered at the gasometer and back to the map. "Are you sure this thing will get us to Salton Sea?"

Avi glanced nervously at the dash, then back at the road. "Mostly."

She looked back at the map, ice sliding into her stomach. Being stranded in the desert was one of the last things either of them wanted, right now, especially in such a vulnerable state. Avi's head was still healing, and Launa was sore almost everywhere, with bruises blooming on her torso, legs and arms. She grumbled at the deep purple marks, but felt pride swelling up in her chest when Avi smiled and told her they were 'proof she'd kicked ass and took names'. She took them as proof that she could protect herself and who she cared for.

She rolled her shoulders, stretching the sore muscles. "Looks like this will be about a three hour drive," she said, folding up the map, "Think it'll handle that?"

She watched him glance at the gasometer, again, biting his lip as he considered it. "Yeah, I think so."

The highway took them through a long stretch of desert, dry and cracked terrain surrounding them with the ocassional mountain just off the side. They had the opportunity to divert their path to Parker, but decided against it. Salton Sea had plenty of residential areas surrounding it, and if they needed to stock up, they'd have plenty of chances.


Half a mile after they'd passed a resort in the middle of the desert, the car was sputtering fumes, and finally slowed to a stop. Avi growled in annoyance, sitting back heavily and stomping repeatedly on the gas pedal, even after the car had halted completely. "Dammit," he grumbled, sighing and running his hand over his face, "Well, it looks like we're walking."

Launa groaned and opened the door, rolling out of the car and onto her feet, wincing in pain. "This fucking sucks," she complained, retrieving her two bags and heaving them out of the back seat and onto her shoulders.

"I know, baby," Avi sighed, mirroring her actions, "Do you want me to take one?"

She glared, almost offended. "I've got this," she grumped, "Let's get out of here."


She'd forgotten how much slower walking was. What should have been a three-hour drive became a two-day walk, even after the ground they'd covered in the car. They trudged on over sand and gravel, crunching over the desert like they'd done for four months. They found themselves glancing over their shoulders from time to time, nervous that they'd been followed. They hadn't, but that didn't shake their paranoia.

They paused at midday, gulping down water and checking over their injuries. Avi's hair had matted, somewhat, where it had met with blood, and the damage wasn't as bad as it had appeared, the day before. Launa's knee protested the overuse it had received over the past two days, but was soothed under her companion's careful prodding.

"Hey," she called softly, gesturing for him to come closer as they sat on the dusty ground. She pulled on his shoulder to lean him over as he sat directly beside her, bending him over to press a careful kiss to the spot next to his fresh bandage.

He just smiled at her, his eyes crinkling as he murmured a thanks and brushed hand across the small of her back. Launa shivered, annoyed at the goosebumps that raised on her skin in response to an innocent touch. She flicked her eyes over Avi's face, finding him smirking at her. So, maybe it wasn't as innocent as I thought.


They set up the tent later, that night, and heaved themselves into it, both groaning in pain and laying still and limp on the ground. So much for that not-so-innocent touch­, she thought grumpily, squirming with a building need to touch his skin, again. I thought that finally sleeping together would stave this off, but it's only gotten worse.

Launa took a deep breath, steadying herself as Avi curled against her back. No, we're both in a lot of pain. Sex is not going to help that. She felt his lips meet her neck, kissing from her jaw to her shoulder and fought any noises that threatened to escape from her throat. "Avi," she breathed shakily as he continued the onslaught. He only hummed in response, vibrating her whole body. "We shouldn't.

He groaned into her skin. "Why not?" he asked between kisses, moving to nip at her neck, smirking at the way she twitched in response.

She gulped down a breath of air as he settled his hand on her hip, pulling her backside flush against his hips. "Because we're both in pain," she said, resisting the urge to grind back on him, "and we're exhausted. We need sleep."

After a slight pause, Avi sighed and ceased his assault on her neck. "I hate it when you're right."

"I'm always right."

"Not always."

"Most of the time."

He laughed and buried his nose in the hair at the back of her neck. "Goodnight, Launa." She grinned, returning the phrase and relaxing into his heat.

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