Meet The Neighbors

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Author's POV


"Jongin honey can you go downstairs and grab the last box"

His mom cooed to him from the top of the stairs.


Jongin said as he looked around thoughtlessly until his eyes landed on a green box. He then instantly grabbed it and smiled.

This was a normal feeling for Kim Jongin around this time of year.

Him and his family held the proud title of Best Holiday House for the last 5 years. People from far and wide would all gather around his home just to see what they had in store for them every year.

And he was the brains to thank for that.

Now every once and a while they would have a random family that tries to challenge them. But they failed each and every time.

So to say that the Kim family was unbothered would be a understatement.

"Thank you. Now let's go outside and get this over with" Jongin's dad said as he ran a stressful hand through his hair.

Jongin placed his hand on his dads shoulder in means to comfort him.

"It's okay appa. I'm here to help"

He reminded. And his dad placed his hand over Jongin's and nodded.

"Is that a movers truck?"

Misses Kim said from the window.
The boys gathered behind her as they peered across the street. While two more trucks join the first one.

"Wow someone's finally moving into old man Sungjuns house"

"I guess so" Jongin said while they all silently watched. As their eyes fell on a family of four.

A mother, father, son and daughter.

Jongin's eyes widened in surprise as he stared at the beauty that was soon to be his neighbor. She was his type and then some. Her big eyes, fair skin and long locks mesmerized him.

To the point where he didn't even hear his own family speak.....


His mom squeaked.

"Ne omma"

He quipped. As he turned and saw his parents standing by the door.

"You coming?"

"Oh uh yeah sorry" he said shaking his head and coming to.

They walked outside to a little sheet of snow that last night left. And dropped all their boxes on the ground, preparing to decorate. When they noticed that the new family were walking towards them.

So Jongin and his parents met them halfway as the two stood in the street.

"Annyeonghaseyo! We're the Kim family. We just moved in across the street" Cooed the middle aged mom.

"Oh! We're also the Kim family"

"Wah. Then we should get along great then" she said as the moms both shared a laugh.

Jongin smiled as his eyes made way to the daughter in question. She stared at him and shyly grinned as she tucked a lose strand of hair behind her ear.

Both families introduced themselves to each other. With Jongin soon finding a name to match the face.

"Well it was nice to meet you Dahyun" he said slightly bowing. And she blushed.

"As it was to meet you Jongin" she returned.

The two families then waved at each other as they walked back to their rightful places.

Everything seemed to be going great between the Kim families.

But boy it doesn't stay that way....

Jongin's POV

My aching arm holds up the last string of lights as appa makes his way towards me. Hooking every inch of the lights to the side of the house.

"Aaaand done!"

He says sighing in relief. As I joined in when the blood in my arm finally flowed the right way.

"Boys! Suppers ready"

My mom called from the house. I didn't waste time as I tried to bump my dad out the way and get into the house.

But he didn't make it easy for me.

As we both playfully shoved each other in order to be the first in the house.

"Boys! Boys! Please! Don't bring the front yard with you in here" omma said scolding us.

My dad chuckled and slapped me on the back.

"Your stronger than I remember"

"It's either that or your just getting old" I joked. He wrapped his arm around my neck and ruffled my hair in a head lock.

My mom then popped back into the room and squinted her eyes at us.

Dad and I then stopped immediately and took off our shoes.

Dinner was normal.

We sat on the floor around the table, ate and made small conversation. When my mom stood to grab something from the kitchen.

Leaving me and dad alone.

"So I saw the way you were staring at that girl. Try not to be so obvious next time son" he said. And I felt my cheeks glow in embarrassment.

"II-I don't know what your talking about"

I said trying to play it off. And he laughed.

"Alright. Well if you need advice, which I'm sure you do. Im here" he said making me smile.

"Thanks dad"

"Look at the neighbors! Their putting up decorations how cute" my mom said from the kitchen.

Dad and I stood to join her at the window.

As we saw them putting candy canes in the front yard.

"Now that's adorable" she says smiling.

That is until Dahyun's mom flicked this switch on the side of the house. Making the whole front yard light up with extravagant lights.

My heart dropped instantly....

Their decorations are good.....a little too good...

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