Mistletoe Mishap

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Author's POV

And as if time had slowed down Jongin and Dahyun stared at each other. Not sure what to do as more eyes made way to the situation at hand.

"Aww their gonna kiss" this older lady cheered.

Which stirred up more conversation. With everyone joining in on wanting the two young adults to kiss.

"What should we do?"

Dahyun whispered out the side of her mouth. And Jongin shrugged his shoulders.

"Uhh I don't know. Maybe we should give the people what they want...." he dragged out.

Dahyun returned her weary eyes to Jongin. Only to notice that he was already gazing at her.
And like a magnetic pull. The two's faces suddenly became closer. As their hearts beat faster and faster in time.

Jongin's lips barely brushed against Dahyun's when she was yanked away.

"We're leaving!"
Dahyun's mother said in distaste as her eyes glared at Jongin's mom. And she smirked in return.

"Oh you really must stay. You haven't even seen the best part" she said motioning outside.

Everyone followed the two families as they walked outside and stood in front of the house.

Dahyun's cheeks never dimmed after the almost kiss that her and the boy she shouldn't like just shared.

And Jongin wasn't far behind her. As they gave each other a few shy looks, not being able to find the right words to say.

"Kids you ready to see Santa?"

Jongin's mom asked.
Only receiving the loudest of cheers in return.

And as if on cue, her husband appeared on top of the roof in the full Kris Kringle get up.

"Hello Children! I hope you've all been good girls and boys this year!" He said.

And the kids went wild.

While their Kim competition wore a look of disinterest. Well...all of them except for Dahyun, who looked on in surprise along with the kids.

"How did they even get a sleigh up there?" Jongin whispered in confusion.

"Shall I join you guys?" Santa asked.


The kids yell.

Making him take a few steps on the slick roof. Only to later realize that it was not the brightest idea when he reached the edge. And began to slide continuously.

But he knew he couldn't show any fear, he had kids to fool.

"Ho! Ho! Ho No!"

He yelled when his foot slide off the edge.
As he now wavered on the roof dangerously trying to regain his balance.

But ultimately failing when he finally titled off. And began falling into a pile of snow that waited for him below, landing with a thud.


Jongin yelled running to his side.

"Santa's dead!"

One girl yelled. Which triggered the screams and cries of all the other children around.

Jongin and his mom tended to 'Santa'. Hoping that he didn't injure himself. While Misses Kim smiled in satisfaction at the chaos.

"I think we're done here"

She says before latching onto her husband. And trying to pull onto Dahyun, but she was reluctant.

Now worried along with the Kim family for the man she knows to be Jongin's dad.

"Mom no what if he's really hurt"

Dahyun said. Looking back to see Jongin and his mom get his father up and help him into the house.

"He'll be fine. Now let's go home"

She said with authority in her tone. As Dahyun crossed her arms and stomped ahead of them on into the house. And into her room.

While the other Kim family tended to other matters. Luckily finding out that the father was not injured in anyway. And the party went on just the same as 'Santa' did his best to make up for scaring the kids.

And his family.

Jongin then looks around and realizes that Dahyun was no where to be found. He then walks to the window and realizes that they went home. As he sees Dahyun's parents mingling together in the living room.

But he didn't see Dahyun...

His eyes then made way to what he presumes to be her room. When he saw her standing there looking right back at him.

She waves bashfully. And Jongin slowly waves back.

She then left into her room and he sighed.

He can't believe he was so close to making a move. Only for it to be ruined......

"Way to go Jongin. You have embarrassed yourself to no end"

He mutters to himself. As he looks back at the window to see Dahyun again. But this time she was holding something that read.

'Meet Me Down The Street In 10'

Jongin nodded in agreement and threw his thumbs up.

As she did the same before disappearing from her window for the second time tonight. And Jongin sighed again, but this time for a very different reason.


Ten minutes passed by quickly....

And now Jongin and Dahyun were standing in front of each other. As the lights from both of their decorated houses shone on them from up the street.

"We need to put a end to this" Jongin said.

"I couldn't agree with you more. But how? My parents won't listen to me" Dahyun says.

"Same here. But there has to be something. Anything really" he says putting his thinking face on. As did Dahyun.

They spent seconds suggesting things. But none of their ideas seemed to be good ones.

That is until....

Both of their eyes suddenly lit up.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Jongin asked.

"Oh yeah. Let's do it!"

Dahyun agrees as they smile at each other and both look to their houses in determination.

The Kim families have no idea what their in for.....

Winter WAR -Jongin FFWhere stories live. Discover now