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Dipper's POV

I instinctively dived down onto the tall grass, hands covering my head. After a minute I slowly lifted my head and my eyes widened in shock. A male cervitaur was sprinting, but in obvious pain, towards me. I knew a bit about them, as they had a page or two in the journal. This one had long, sharp looking antlers so clearly an alfa. Dark brown fur and four strong legs. Legs that were bringing it straight towards me. I raced backwards, still on the ground. Suddenly, another gunshot rang out and the cervitaur collapsed. With my momentum of rushing back, I ended up slipping down the embankment and into the river.

I quickly kicked my way up and swam to the bank. I tentatively crawled up the slope and came face to face with the dead cervitaur. I cried out in surprise and almost fell back in the river when a strong hand grabbed my arm pulling me up. It was a man, who was obviously a hunter, topped with a fur hat and gun. His tight grip led up to muscular arms and even further, a beard. The man let go of me once I was steady. But I definitely didn't feel steady inside.

I took in the situation. From the look of it, the man had come with three other companions. Two looked like him, same sort of build. But I couldn't see the last one as he hung back behind everyone. I glanced down at the cervitaur and felt like throwing up. The cervitaur had a wound in it's hind quarters and another in the left hand side of it's chest. Thick crimson blood oozed out, staining the grass. The field didn't seem so pretty now. The sky had turned overcast and a breeze had picked up. From falling in the river it felt colder.
"What's a girly like you doing out here in huntin' season?" The man who had helped me up said with a Texas drawl.
"I was on a walk," was my curt reply.
"Well you best be gettin' home little missy," he said with a nod in the direction of the forest.
"Take her home Bill,"

With that, the man I hadn't been able to see stepped forwards. It was Bill Cipher. Bill must've gotten bored of the Dorito look and was now, well, human. Ish.

He actually looked pretty good

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He actually looked pretty good. His eyes widened when he saw me but he quickly composed himself and took my arm, leading me though the field and off into the forest. As soon as we got out of ear shot, I said, "Bill Cipher, you look different, have you lost weight?"
He looked down at me and grinned, "Pinetree, is this the new wet trend?"
I blushed and looked away. When I looked​ back up at him, there was a slight pink to his cheeks.

"So, you and shooting star back in town then?"
It took me a moment to remember who he classed as, 'shooting star'. Mabel.
"Yeah, we're going to be staying here for awhile," grimacing at the thought of the last I had seen my parents. They had been fighting which is why they sent us back. I then​ shivered as the wind was really picking up. Bill noticed and handed me his jacket. I blushed again, cursing myself inwardly.
"Bill, why are you being so nice to me, and are you just human now?" I blurted out. Obviously, he'd been waiting for the questions.
"I'm being, 'nice' because I've changed. Metaphorically and literally," he looked down at me, then floated off the ground, "I'm not fully human, but yes, I have the body of a human," before I could ask Bill continued, "I know what you're going to ask, I learned how to take care of myself as a human by following these men about. They then just seemed to accept me,"

Bill landed on the ground again.
"Only you and shooting star will recognise who I am. To everyone else, I'm just, Bill," he paused as we arrived at the edge of the wood. "Please keep my secret, I promise you, I have changed," Bill looked back at his triangle shaped statue. "Keep the jacket, as a token of my change."
Before I could ask a question or say something else, Bill was gone. Then my heart made me annoyed as it fluttered thinking of him. Surely I can't be in love with Bill?

BillDip in Monster falls (Female Dipper)Where stories live. Discover now