Peter Hale is Damned

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Peter Hale is Damned

The noise of the windstorm was bringing back memories. The swooshing of the tree branches sounded all too familiar. Every sigh and groan of the wind brought him back to that night. The night Paige died. He didn't really have any sentiment to her, but his nephew did. Derek always blamed Peter for her death, for putting the ideas into his head. Derek, of course, was right. Peter had told him that the only way he could be with his little girlfriend forever was to give her the bite. Seeing as Emmis needed a new werewolf in his pack, he was the perfect candidate for the alpha who was to bite her.

When Talia was told what Peter did by Derek, she cursed him. Quite literally. She went travelling that night and didn't come back for several weeks. When she returned, she had a rose with her. One that she kept in a glass case for a year. On the anniversary of Paige's death, she gave the rose in its case to Peter, simply saying that he will know eventually what it is and how damned he will always be.

Then, the fire happened. Everything was scattered. Everyone died. Except for Peter, Derek, and Derek's two sisters. Laura was the alpha after Talia died. The "natural" cause of death passed it on to Talia's oldest child. Peter never really liked Derek's sister, and he also wanted to be the alpha, so he killed her. Ripped her clean in half. Derek also never forgave Peter for that either. Too bad he didn't know then that he needed Derek's forgiveness or the curse was inevitable.

Remembering all that happened to Derek and Paige woke Peter up with a start. He was sweating and out of breath. Shaking his head free of the nightmares, he figured there would be no sleep that night for him. He got up and entered the bathroom. Pulling his sweat drenched shirt off of his body, he got ready to take a cold shower. He never could stand hot showers anymore. The heat sent him back to the night of the fire. When he almost died in flames and was in a coma for six years.

The sound of the water droned out that of the windstorm. He relaxed a little and began to think about that horrid flower. He kept it in a safe, one that not even Derek could break open. He hadn't looked at it for a while; thinking that if he didn't remember it was there, it wasn't. Of course he knew that the more he put off his plan, the more likely his timer will start. He hasn't seen the first petal that would fall yet and it was only a matter of time before he did. Of course there was always the possibility that it fell already and he just hasn't checked to see it yet.

That sent a horrifying thought through him. What if it had fallen? He quickly turned off the water and scurried to the kitchen where he kept the safe. It hid in a cupboard, out of sight. He opened it up and was relieved to see that there were no petals loose. He picked up the rose gingerly. He didn't know what it was at first until Deaton told him that it was a curse-on-hold. Deaton was his emissary, or their person of guidance, back when the Hale pack was still alive. When the curse would take action, the first petal would fall off. It would continue to fall apart until Peter could find someone who was capable of loving him. Truly loving him. If he didn't find someone to love him, he would permanently stay in his wolf form by the full moon after the last petal fell. He had laughed at Deaton when he told him the meaning behind the rose. It sounded unreal. In fact, he told the vet that it was unreal. The comment only made Deaton raise his eyebrows and ask 'Unreal like a werewolf?'. That's when Peter realized that what he had been told was true. His sister had placed a curse on him that he could only prevent by making everything up to his nephew.

He locked it back up and went to dry off. A dark hand clutched his rapidly beating heart in his chest. Fear. He feared- he knew- one would fall soon.

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