Peter Hale is Something Else Entirely

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Peter Hale is Something Else Entirely

Lydia sat in the passenger seat and looked at her nails. Belle suddenly squealed when a song came on the radio and she quickly turned the radio up. She was bouncing happily in the driver's seat. Lydia finally recognized the song and she smiled as well. It was their favorite song. They laughed and wiggled in a somewhat dancing way.

Belle drove into Macey's parking lot and they stayed in the car until the song ended. When they did leave the car, they both retrieved their purses from the backseat and walked to the doors like they owned the place.

"New shipments!" Belle sang out as she breathed in deeply. "I bet they have the best fashion yet!"

Belle and Lydia rushed off to look at the new dresses. There was a whole new display since they've last been in the store (less than a week ago). It was completed with accessories of course and it was the kind of displays that those who didn't have much money wouldn't even bother looking at.

Lydia pulled a dark purple dress from a rack and held it in front of her for Belle to tell her what she thought.

"Not your color. Maybe... lighter?" Belle quickly gazed over the other dresses to pick one that would fit Lydia better when a man spoke and made them both jump.

"I think it'd be nice on you," the guy was in a leather jacket and when he turned around, Lydia instantly recognized him. He gave an innocent smile and shrugged.

"Peter. What do you want?" Lydia turned her attention to the dresses and attempted to not look startled at his random appearance.

He chuckled and ran his hand through his now short-but-still-gorgeous hair. "Do I need to want something in order to talk to you?"

Belle watched the two talk cautiously. Contrary to what he implied, he did seem like he wanted something from Lydia. Lydia's eyes widened slightly as he answered her.

"No. But being as we aren't even close to being friends, you don't have any other reasons to be speaking to me."

"Ah..." He half laughed and looked up in acknowledgement that he's been 'burned'. "That's harsh... Maybe we can talk about it over some food?"

"Are you..?" Lydia quickly turned to him with surprise on her face, "are you asking me on a date?"

"Well, if that's how you define date..." He shrugged, "but that's not why I came here."

"And why did you then?" She took a quick glance at Belle, who was now some distance away. When she looked back at Peter, he had stepped closer to her. He towered over her and his face was right in front of hers.

He moved and spoke into her ear. "I just felt like saying hello," she felt his breath on her neck. He smelt better than most guys did. They all usually drench themselves in their deodorant. Peter smelt natural, he smelt like good old-fashioned soap. Lydia felt overwhelmed by how close he was to her. He backed away too soon and he turned to 'look at the dresses'. Obviously he was trying to manipulate her. He was trying some game. Not exactly mind games, more like hormone games.

"You've said it." Lydia said finally. She breathed in deeply and was a little disappointed that she couldn't smell his scent anymore. He was... intoxicating.

"Yes, I suppose I have." He spun around slowly and held the dark purple dress out to her. She almost forgot that she had put it back on the hanger. "I really do think it'd look nice on you." Lydia thought she could hear sincerity in his voice.

She took it from him and sighed, "I might reconsider buying it-"

"Oh, I hope you do," he cut in, "maybe you could wear it to our date."

Lydia was about to say something more when she realized that he had already started to leave. She smiled to herself as Belle navigated her way back. Peter could play his game; as long as she knew he was playing one, she could be one step ahead.

"And who was Mr. Cutiepie?" Belle whispered when she reached Lydia's side. She had a blouse and two dresses draped over her arm.

"Peter Hale," she pronounced his name carefully. "He's... something else entirely."

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