Peter Hale and His Happy Ending

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Peter Hale and His Happy Ending

"So, you two are dating now?" Scott asked them.

"Yeah," Lydia answered. She wrapped her arm around Peter.

They were at the Hale house, standing in the front yard. Peter, Lydia, Scott, Derek, and Stiles.

"So, Peter, why did you want us all to meet you here?" Derek asked to get to the point.

"Oh gosh, is it a happy announcement?" Stiles said awkwardly.

"Um, kind of, yes," Peter answered.

Everyone looked at him with the raised eyebrow expression.

"I'm having the house," he gestured to the Hale house, "rebuilt."

"Ha, with what money?" Stiles laughed.

"I have money..." Peter looked offended.

Stiles looked to Derek. He nodded, "yeah. In the family vault."

"Oh, uh, go on then," Stiles avoided eye contact.

"It can become the pack house," Peter paused, "that is.. Um.."

"If you guys will accept Peter into the pack," Lydia finished for him.

Derek nodded. Scott and Stiles didn't seem to be considering it at all.

"Oh come on, you guys." Lydia glared at them. "He's changed!"

"Just because he likes you, doesn't mean that he's changed," Scott argued.

"I'll prove it then. With time," Peter said with confidence.

"And if you stab us in the back? It'll be too late to regret the decision."

"Scott, give him a chance?" Lydia almost begged.

He grimaced. "I'll think about it."

"Dude?!?" Stiles threw up his hands.


Lydia and Peter got back to his apartment. He was pleased that the others were at least considering letting him join the pack. It was the final obstacle to pass in order to truly be able to be with Lydia; acceptance from her friends.

"What now?" She asked.

"Movie?" He sat down on the couch.

"Which one?"

"Surprise me."

She smiled and put in a movie before laying next to him.

"What movie did you pick?"

"Our movie."

The opening scene confirmed his suspicion. Apparently, their movie was Pride & Prejudice.

I'm thinking about making a sequel. I don't know yet because I have no idea what it'd be about. Oh well, I hope you guys enjoyed this story. You're votes and feedback were very inspiring for me and thank you for reading!

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