Chapter 1-Settling In

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My life was very different now.I wasn't in the last safe city on earth.I was in Beacon academy on Remnant.It had been about  a few weeks since I came to this place.I just passed my first test/mission a few hours ago and we got our own rooms based on our teams.I wasn't paired up with anyone so I am my own team.I have my own room.The first thing i did when I walked into the room was put my helmet on a bed. It has 4 beds....I better change that.

It took me a few hours to fix the room up.I got ride of three beds and put a desk up in the corner where a bed was.I put a small armory in another corner and started to hang up some trophies from earth on the walls.I put the mask of a Fallen vandal,Hive acolyte,Cabal legionary, and a vex goblin all right next to each other on the wall.I hung a few weapons i knew I wouldn't have to use in Remnant as well.The guns were the Touch of malice and vex mythoclasts. The final touch I did to my room was I put the four greatest trophies I had right next to each other next to the window.A claw of Oryx,A jar of Vex brain milk from Atheon,A SIVA pyramid from Aksis, and the sword of Crota. Just as I was hanging the sword My Ghost appeared next to me.

Ghost:I'm back from my patrol.

I almost completly forgot that he went on a patrol.He had left me to go and scan a vex structure and to look into it some more.

Y/N:What did you find?

Ghost:The Vex structure is off.Its either broken or is dormant.

Y/N: That's good.Well have to look into this some more though.

My Ghost flew around the room.

Ghost:Nice design.Are you sure its a good idea to have the vex mythoclasts and the touch of malice just hanging up on a wall?

Y/N:Those guns won't hurt us. Besides what the worst that could happen?

Ghost:Your the boss.

The sun started to set and I decided it was time for bed.I needed my rest for my first official day of school tomorrow.

I woke up to my Ghost yelling in my ear.


I jumped out of bed.

Ghost: Class is in 5 minutes!!!

I started to run out the door when the ghost yelled after me.

Ghost:You forgot your uniform!!!!!

I pressed the button on my armor.It retrackted into a small box and I set it on my bed.

Y/N:Be ready to get me my armor if needed.

I changed and bolted out the door running down the hall while the ghost gave me directions and annoyed me.

Ghost:You know,Guardians are never late IF THEY DON'T SLEEP!

As I ran down the hall,I saw other people running to class as well.It was team RWBY and team JNPR.I saw Yang run by me and look back and smile.She winked at me.

Yang:Race you there!

This made everyone speed up.The class was about to start.The door was right in front of me.

Ghost:Don't do it!We have to stay in cover.

I blinked through the door and into the classroom.Some people looked at me stunned and the teacher even took notice.

Professor Port:My word!Was that your semblance?

I was confused.

Y/N: Uhhh.....

Ghost: That's what the people here call there supers.Like your nova bomb.


Professor Port: I've never seen a semblance like that. Fascinating.It reminds me of this time I fought a Grimm with a fellow huntsman.......

He went on with that story for a while and then decided to start class.

This class was all about Grimm.It was very interesting. Most other students seemed super bored but,I was a warlock and learning is a part of me.The only part of class I didn't like was how long Mr.Ports stories were.

Ghost:Reminds me of Eris back home except this one has emotions.


The class continued to go on until Mr.Port asked a question.

Professor port:Who among you believes themselves to be the perfect Huntsman?

Weiss:I do sir!

Professor Port:Then why don't we find out?Step forward and face your opponent.

Two people walked out of a door behind him pulling a giant cage with them.It had a Grimm inside.It was a Boar.

Y/N:Well this is going to be.....exciting.

Weiss got her armor on and was ready for the fight.She stood in front of Mr.Ports desk and the Boar was unleashed.

It charged at her and she doged the charge.

Ruby:Hang in there Weiss!

She charged at the boar and it charged at her.Her sword clashed with the boars tusk and got stuck.

Ruby: You've got this!

The boar flung her weapon out of her hand and charged at her.She doged out of the way and ran for her gun.

Ruby:Go for the belly!

Weiss:Stop telling me what to do!

The Boar charged at her and she jumped and stabbed the Boar in it back it fell to the ground and died.

Professor Port:Well done!that will have to be the end of class for today.I know you all want to here more...

He trailed on for a while.I walked up to him after class.

Y/N: Mr. Port?I just wanted to say that the class was amazing.i love learning about that kind of stuff.

Professor Port:Ah well I try to make the class inspiring.

Weiss walked up to us as we were talking.

Professor Port:Ah Miss Weiss!What can I do for you?

Weiss: Well I have a problem...

Professor Port:What seems to be the problem?

Weiss:Well....I think I should have been the leader of team RWBY.

Professor Port: That's Preposterous!

Weiss: Excuse me?You would say that even seeing my skills on the battlefield.

Professor port: Well,with all due respect your skill on the battlefield is only matched by your poor attitude.

I knew the situation was getting worse so I tried to help and step in.

Y/N:You know Weiss,I was a leader a long time ago and if there one thing I learned in all that time,its that decisions are made for a reason.No matter your opinion on them.

Mr.Port patted me on the shoulder.

Professor Port:Instead of freighting about what you don't have savor what you do have.

She was quiet for a minute and then responded.

Weiss: Thankyou Mr.Port and.....Y/N.

She walked off.

Y/N:I think i'll be heading off as well professor. I hope we helped her.

Professor Port:My dear boy I think we have.

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