Chapter 7-Street Fight!

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Cabal pov......

Turuk waked into the warship after the meeting with the human.The meeting went well but,this plan was going to take a lot of explaining. One of his captains saw him walk towards the warship and ran up to him.

Captain:How did the meeting go?

Turuk: Well.The human asks little of us and in return we get the human.

Captain:What do they ask?

Turuk:T hey want help with there project as well.

Captain:That is?

Turuk: I'll explain to you and the others on that when the time is right.

He walked into the ship.The true war was only beginning.

Y/N pov......

We were silent for a second after Penny told us that she was a Robot.

Ruby:Penny I don't understand.

Penny;Most girls are born.I was made.I'm the worlds first synthetic person thats able to generate aura.I'm not real.....

Ruby:Of course you are.Just because you have nuts and bolts instead of squishy guts that makes you any less human then me?

Penny:I don't ummm...Your taking this extraordinarily well.

Ruby:Your not those robots we saw back there. You've got a heart and a soul I can feel it.


She started to feel sad and hug Ruby

Penny:You are the best friend anyone could have!

I knew I was intruding so I looked away.

Ghost:How come you never treat me like that?

I saw the guards running down the alley towards us.


Penny:You both need to hide!
Ruby jumped into a dumpster and I blinked up onto the top of the building next to us.I saw the guards come down the street and talk to Penny.The two guards and Penny walked away.

I jumped down off the building and walked over to the dumpster.Ruby poked her head out of the dumpster then saw it was me and jumped out.

Ruby:Did you know that?

Y/N:Ghost told me as soon as he saw her.

She sighed.

Ruby:Of course he did.

Her scroll rang.It was Blake and Sun.

Blake:Everyone if you can hear me we need backup!

Sun:Giant robot and its big.VERY big and that Torchwick guy is driving it!

I looked at Ruby then I said one thing to me Ghost

Y/N:Get the ship ready.

Ruby: Ship?Do you mean....?

Y/N:Bring out the spaceship.

Almost as soon as I asked my Ghost the ship appeared above the alley.It was still in its FWC colors and it looked a little dirty.I got teleported in by my Ghost and asked Ruby

Y/N:Do you want a ride?


My Ghost teleported her in and you could tell the ship wasn't made for two.She stood behind my chair as I flew.

Ruby:Where do you think they could be?

As we flew I looked out my window and down at the city below.I saw the highway in smoke and a giant mech running down the highway.

Y/N: I think there. Ghost autopilot mode.I'm getting the sparrow.Bring us close.

The ship started to get close to the highway.The hatch opened up on the bottom of my shi and I got out of my chair and walked over to the ramp that just opened.My sparrow appeared in front of me.It was like a motorcycle but without the wheels. It was black with a green trail of energy.I hoped onto my sparrow and revved the engine.It roared.I was glad to be back on a sparrow.I looked back at ruby who was in awe at my ride.

Y/N:Hop on we've got a mech to catch.

She sat behind me on the sparrow and I blasted the Sparrow off the ship and onto the Highway.When we got on the highway we were facing the wrong way,so I turned us around and chased after the mech.I looked down the highway to see the mech jump off the highway.I made a sharp turn and followed it off the highway.

When I finally caught up to the mech it was surrounded in smoke I hoped off my sparrow with Ruby behind me.She ran into the fog after the mech.I saw lasers poke through the fog.A few seconds after the lasers,I heard gunshots and the ground was shaking.I immediately pulled out my sniper and aimed it at the fog.After a few seconds I found the mech. The mech was horribly beaten.There was scratches and marks all over it.I fired rounds into it back while Ruby and Blake charged at it and tore of its arm.Yang jumped onto the back of the mech and started firing rounds into it.The mech flew backwards into a pillar making Yang fall off.The mech punched her with its only good arm.I froze.I started to charge my super and blast a powerful novabomb at its face when I heard Ruby speak.

Ruby:Its ok!With every punch she gets stronger. That's her power!

Yang stood back up.The mech aimed its fist at her and tried to punch.She caught the punch and with one shot,she blew off the hand.With no hands left,it resorted to kicking.It kicked Yang away.

Ruby:We need to slow it down!
Y/N:I can handle that.

I shot a massive nova bomb at it.The bomb exploded on it cause the mech to lose gravity.It floated in the air.Its legs were kicking as if confused.Yang ran at the mech giving it one last punch and it blew into pieces with Torchwick flying out of it.He landed on his feet.Yang shot another bullet at him but a mysterious person with pink hair blocked her shot with....a umbrella?

Torchwick: Ladies,random guy,always a pleasure. Neo if you would.

Neo smiled and and bowed.Yang still in her rage ran and hit Neo. They broke into pieces of glass.I heard engines roar and I saw a ship fly off with Neo and Torchwick looking out through the open side of the ship.

Blake:Looks like he got a new henchmen.

Weiss:Yeah..I guess you could say she made our plans fall apart?

Ruby giggled and I sighed.

Y/N:I'm done now.

Weiss:What?What did I say?

I walked off back to the school.Everyone else followed and I knew I was not going to sleep tonight....AGAIN.

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