Chapter 22

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I run up the front steps of the house and push the door open. Once I get inside, I see my mother stand up from the couch. She looks over me and gives me a sympathetic look. I drop all of my things and run over to her. I wrap my arms around her and I let out all of my tears. She rubs my back and combs her fingers through my hair.

"What's wrong sweetie?" My mother asks me.

"Everything," I sob.

"Did... Collin do something?" She asks. All I can do is nod.

"That's it. We need to go to court and put a restraining order on him," my mother, angrily, says.

"We can't! We have no evidence of anything, and it's our word against his. He'll hurt me..."

There's a short pause, and my mother just sighs. She leads me over to the couch, and we sit.

"Why did you leave school?" My mother asks me. I wish I didn't have to explain this to my mother, but I have no choice. I take a deep breath and describe every detail to her.

"I'm a joke," I mutter.

"No you are not, honey! You are so much more than that. You're strong, fearless, and you are... You are tough."

My mother's words lighten my mood. We stay there with my head on her shoulder as she comforts me. Drew walks through the front door as I hug my mother.

"Why'd you leave school early?" Drew asks me. I scoff.

"You didn't hear? I'm surprised the whole school isn't talking about it yet," I respond. Drew looks at me, confused. I sigh.

"I'd rather not talk about it right now," I choke out as a lump thrives in my throat. I shake my head and run upstairs. I can't imagine the things that people are thinking or saying about me. The worst part is, none of it is true. I enter my room and slam the door behind me. I collapse down, on my bed. I pull my phone out and see I have multiple notifications. One text message from Cameron, two text messages from Drew, three missed phone calls from my mom, and... 105 twitter notifications.

* Hey, we need to talk. Meet me at our spot?

- Cameron *

I know by "our spot," he means the hideout I was at all day.

* When?

- Sam *

* Now.

- Cameron *

I stand up from the bed and walk into my closet. I pull on my grey, cropped, hoodie and a pair of high waisted shorts. I leave my damp, Vans on my feet. I decide to leave my phone on my bed because I don't want to risk ruining it in the rain. I jog down the stairs and see Drew and mom sitting on the couch, watching tv.

"Where ya goin' sweetie?" My mother asks me.

"Cameron wants to meet up. I'll be right back," I answer. She hesitates but nods. I pull my hood up, over my head before exiting the house. I take off in a full speed run to the spot. The rain has lightened up since earlier, so it's not as much of a struggle to be in. When I make it to the spot, Cameron is leaned up against a tree looking at the ground. His brown hair is wet, and small droplets of water fall from the tips. I step on a stick, and the sound makes his head snap up. I smile at him, and he twitches his lips into a quick, small smile. My smile begins to fade. I walk closer to him and wrap my arms around his waist. My head collides with his toned chest, and the feeling relieves me. I take a deep breath and close my eyes, savoring this moment. He hesitantly puts his arms around me. My body rushes with relief. This is the first time I've felt happy, warm, and safe in weeks. In his arms, it feels like all of my problems evaporate off of me. His arms are my safe haven, and I don't think he'll ever understand how thankful I am for him. Just the sight of him brightens my mood. I crave the feeling I get when he hugs me. I love the way he wraps his arms around me and slightly tightens his grip, reassuring me that I'm okay and that I'm safe. He lets go of me, and I look up at him. He rubs his right eye and closes the other.

"What's wrong?" I ask him, worried.

"Um, nothing."

He drops his hand, but he keeps his eyes everted away from me. I drop my hands away from his waist and grab his hands. He squints his eyes shut and pulls his hands away.

"Cameron, what's wrong?" I ask again.

"Nothing, it's just...." he begins, but he pauses. He pulls away from me and looks away.

"Is it true that you've had sex before?" He finishes. It feels like the wind has just been knocked out of me. Who would have told him the huge lie? And, more importantly, why would he believe it?

"Cameron... Why would you th-"

He cuts me off.

"No, don't lie to me, Sam! Tell me the truth. Did you have sex with someone back in Tennessee?" He asks more sternly, as he turns and stares at me right in the eyes. I take a step away from him.

"Why would you-"

"Stop trying to ignore the question, Sam!"

He runs his hand through his hair, and I see him mutter a few foul words.

"I shouldn't have to answer that," I state and cross my arms. He looks at me with a look of anger. It honestly scares me a little. I've never seen Cameron like this before, and I don't like it.

"It's a simple question. If it's not true, then you should be able to easily answer it."

"Why would I ever lie to you, Cameron?" I question him. He just rolls his eyes.

"I can't believe this," I scoff.

"Me either. I thought I could trust you and believe that you're a virgin," he says and rolls his eyes. I put my head in my hands. Why does it matter if I'm a virgin or not? And, why is he getting so mad and defensive over this?

"By the way, I hooked up with Chelsea last weekend," he says nonchalantly. I look up at him with a look of disbelief. He just stands there with his hands in his pockets as he looks down at his feet. I shake my head from side to side as tears pour over onto my cheeks.

"Bye Sam," he says and gives me one last look. I stumble backwards and trip, falling to the hard earth with a thud. I sob loudly. Cameron hurries over to me and reaches out to help me up. I kick at him and pull myself up.

"Get away from me you sick bastard! I fucking hate you!" I scream and run off.




That was intense. I hope y'all liked it!! :) And, omg!!! I'm almost at 500,000 reads!!!!! I'M LITERALLY GOING TO CRY!! I love y'all so much! Thank you all for taking the time to read my story and vote for it and leave such positive feedback. It really means more to me than you'll ever understand. Love y'all :)

Oh, and chapter twenty-three soon!

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