The death of your parents.

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You are (y/n) you live with your parents they love you. You were allowed to explore. Your parents thought you asked to explore so you can have known more about nature. They were right. But little do you know you will almost die. You thought it would be nice to explore Mount. Ebott. You were going to say bye to your parents. "Mum? Dad?" (y/n) asked them but they were not there where you expected them to be. You saw something red. You wanted to see what was going on. You found blood. You gasped to see your own mother dead. "DAD!!!!" you screamed. No response. You called out again. No response. Your dad didn't go to work you knew that but you looked around the house. "Hello?" you asked. No response. You are going to look in your dad's and mum's room. You found your dad. Holding a knife scared. "Dad?" "Daughter? You're alive?" "Yes I am alive what happed to mum?" you asked trying to hold the question in but popped out your mouth. Your dad responded "robbers came to the house killed your mother. It's not safe to explore for now. They are roaming around." You replied with a simple "ok." The robbers came into the room and 'tried' to shoot me. My dad got up and saved me. Before he died "(y/n) run away for your safety." You did so. You went to mount. Ebott. You accidently tripped over a vine. You screamed all the way. Until you hit something soft.

word count : 255

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