Tch Bastard!!

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It was another boring day!! Ugh, I sigh as Bitch-sensei started to teach the class about how to make a man fall in love with you?

If only they understood what they were really saying..

I was too deep in thought because she started to call my name.

"{Y/n}! {y/n}! Hello!!" She snaps her fingers
"Eh? What?" I look up, she sighs
"Repeat this, your the only one who hasn't done it." There's no way!!
"Oh no there's no way I'm saying that proactive things." I blush slightly in embarrassment.
"Ehh come on, your American this is perfect." She tries to convince me
"Eh?! Well back in my school that's not what we learned to say miss."
"Well of course they don't teach it to middle schoolers." She states the obvious.
"I'm not talking about middle school, I'm talking about high school!" I grew irritated
"Eh?! Your a high schooler!" The class says
"Yes I am, I was supposed to be graduating by the end of this year but obviously tables has turned." I shrugged and went back to what I was doin
"Then just say this, and I'll leave you alone." She grins, and I glare at her.
Oh that's a bitchy move
I stood up and looked at the board....gross
"Y-You are incredible in bed.." I said quietly
"Huh? {y/n} I can't hear you~" she's enjoying this way to much!!
"You are incredible in bed." I spoke louder so she can hear
"Good!" She grins and continues to teach.

I sighed and looked out the window, why do I get a bad feeling...

Time skip-

We are all sitting on the floor in the school yard listening to Karasuma, I was making a flower with Kayano in the dirt. Until I heard a voice I would've never imagined to hear...

"Haha! Hello guy! I'm Akira Takaoka! I'll be your new gym teacher! Here are some sweets! Dig in!" He puts them down as everyone started to eat.
"No...shit! I forgot about that fat bastard!" I whispered to my self as I glared at him.

I stood up and just watched him being friendly to everyone.

"Wow! Your like a father for the class!" Rio said as she ate sweets
"Haha you think so? Then I'm the classes dad!" He jokes around with them
"You jerk..I know your true self..I won't be fooled.."

He looked up from everyone and noticed me staring at him, he looked me up and down; noticing my gym uniform is different than the rest, my white jumper, with my hood over my head, a belt around my waist for my weapons, and knee high small boots.

I glared at him, he grabbed a cake and walked to me.

"Oh my why aren't you with everyone else? Come on join us!" He hands me the cake with a fake smile
I grabbed the cake and eats it "That act is not going to fool me Takaoka..I know what your intentions are..and I warn you, lay a finger on any of them and you'll regret it.." I let my eyes change color without releasing my bloodlust, his eyes got wide from shock but he quickly regained composure.
"Heh like you can do anything, I rule this group now." He evilly stares at me.
"Tch." I threw the cake down and walked away, catching some of my classmates attention
"Hey what's wrong with {y/n}?" Maehara asked
"Don't know?" Rio answered
"Okay now let's start with class right!" Takaoka said and everyone followed.

Tch I hate that guy! He's rude evil and pure nasty! Why did Karasuma even get this guy!

I stormed inside to he is, opening the door, startling everyone.

"Karasuma! Get rid of him! He's no good!" I tried to tell him
"And whys that?" He didn't look up from his computer
"He's evil! Please you have to believe me! Especially what he's done.."
"He's done something?" Karasuma raised an eyebrow
"Well no..not yet" I softy spoke
"Then how'd you know if he's done something?" He sounded annoyed
"What?! But I told you-" I got cut off by the sense of danger, I looked back at my class and saw them doing laps
Damn! He's gonna hit them soon!
"Tch there's no time!" I softly said as I run out.

As I was running I saw that Maehara stopped, he said something but Takaoka kneed him in the guts!! Bastard!

I sped up knowing what's gonna happen next, Kanzaki went to say something but he got angry,
"Your going to disobey your father?!" He raised his hand at her, she flinched and looked away while the class gasped in shock.
Kanzaki was waiting for the impact, but I never came because I stopped his hand right before it made contact.
"Good I came in time!" I sighed in relief
"Wh-What the?!" He glared at me
"You know its rude to hit other people children? You fat old man!" I yelled, pulling on his arm which caused him to move forward, I took that chance for me to grab his face and push it down onto my knee and I'm bringing my knee to his face.

"{Y/n}..." Kanzaki said
"Don't worry your fine" I smiled
"Look out!" Maehara yelled just as Takaoka threw a knife my way, I pushed Kanzaki away and tried to dodge the knife but sadly it cut my face, I winced as I felt an intense amount of pain.

"Tch son of a bitch" I whispered as he charged at me, I got in a defense position; just as he was about to strike, Karasuma grabbed his arm and twisted it.
"Karasuma!" The class yelled
"Oh so now you wanna believe me right!!!" I yelled at him
"What do you think your doing Takaoka?!" He glares at him.
"Hm there gym teacher now and if you don't like it then I challenge you, if you win I'll leave if I don't they do things my way, and oh, pick your best student." He starts to stretch and tosses Karasuma a real knife.

The class gasp at the thought that one of them will be handling a real knife, Karasuma grabbed it and started to think of potential people. 
"Karma is very good in combat, but of course he's skipping, and Nagisa..he has the potential of an assassin, his bloodlust is good, not to mention he plays of off quickly, and I'll have {y/n} be back up."

As he's thinking this, he's walking through the crowd of students until he reached Nagisa, holding the knife to him.

"Eh?! Him?" A few kids yelled

"I trust you, as a professional assassin and a member of this classroom, that your the right guys for this, you don't have to take it if you don't want too."

Nagisa kept looking up at him and the knife, the look of surprise? I mean who can blame him? Karasuma is trusting Nagisa and giving him the respect his parents never gave him

But after a moment he took the knife,
"Remember, just land a hit and it's over." He has a stern look, he looks at me and nods, knowing what it means and nods.

I hid in the background, hiding my presence.

"I just got to land a hit? But knowing him he's more advanced in combat than me!" Nagisa thinks
"Ha! Is he dumb?! Choosing this weakling?! I'll crush him and makes sure he crys!" Takaoka thought as he got ready
"I know just the trick!" Nagisa thought back to his assassination attempt with Sensei.

Nagisa puts the knife to his side, and starts to smile, walking to Takaoka, hiding his bloodlust. This confuses him, which causes  him to gets his guard down; bad idea; Nagisa drew close and within an instant, he strikes.
The bloodlust feeling like a snake wrapping around it's prey, and bam! Nagisa made him lose his balance because he was distracted, pulled him down and twirled behind him, covering his eyes and put the knife to his neck.

"Wow..he did it" Sugino said

Nagisa got up quickly and threw the knife on the floor, "Was I supposed to use the sharp side?" He looked confused

"No way...I lost to a junior-high kid?! No!" He grew angry up and stood up, ready to attack Him and Karasuma was too far,

That's when I jumped in front of him, and kicked him in his gut, soon punching him which caused him to fall back.

"Tch. I told you, try and lay a finger on them and your dead,"

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