It's actually him...

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There we were, scared shitless behind the seats in the dark. Our breathing unsteady and loud, we all trying to crunch close to the ground so we won't be seen.

My chest feels so tight, I can barely get enough air into my lungs to breath properly, I can feel my lungs collapsing by the second. I need to hurry and find him.

Karma'a eyes are wide and filled with worry, he can clearly see my time is running out but we can't get out of here unless we get rid of this gun freak who's standing in our way.

Class E is trying to come up a plan to take him down, but we are in a serious disadvantage here. It's so quiet that the only thing you can hear is our shaking breathing.

Suddenly we hear the sound of the gun going off, most of us cover our mouths to try and prevent a shriek from escaping and giving away our hiding places

"Just so you know this hall is completely sound proof. I'll fill you all up with lead before anyone can come save you. You know none of you have the guts to take a life. So come on out like good little children and hand over {y/n} to the boss-"  the man was cut off when Hayami shot her gun.

The man stood still, shocked that the students actually shot at him; on top of the fact that they have real guns on them!

Seconds later this crazed man shines the stage lights; projecting bright light towards us in the audience.

"Looks like this might actually be a job I can sink my teeth into~" The pleasure in his voice send chills down my spine

"Too bright!" Nagisa thought while shielding his eyes \

"Cant see the stage with that backlight!?" Chiba grew frustrated since all he can do during this moment was to just sit there.

"Feelin fine again today, with my tasty, tasty gun!!" The assassin shouts while pointing his gun into the crown.

'Bam' The sound of the gun going off again; except this time it was aim where Hayami was. The bullet missing her by only mere inches.

"I never forget the position of any enemy once they've fired" His eyes glared into the seats trying to figure out exactly where everyone is

"Now then...there should be one more stolen gun out there." The assassin sticks the barrel of the gun in his mouth.

Cringing ever so slightly at the sight. Like come on; that's just gross

"Hayami-san! Remain standing by! You were wise to not fire just now, Chiba-Kun! The enemy still doesn't know where you are; I'll keep an eye on him and tell you when!" Sensei voice rang throughout the theater

I grinned slightly since I was the one who placed him right in front of the crazed man since I was a seat next to him; there was no way an average gun can take down sensei defense. It perfect.

The man spotted sensei of course and tried shooting at him, but it deflected and hit the ground.

"An expert gunman versus junior-high students? I think it's fair for them to have a slight handicap"

I can practically feel Koro-sensei grinning.

"Kimura-kun, run five seats to the left!" He shouted

"Terasaka-kun and Yoshida-kun move three seats to either side!"

One by one those three started to move as they were told, with the training they've been doing their speed is top to none.

This caught the man off guard, all he saw was blurs moving along the seats, him obviously not knowing whos who he became flustered and confused

"Kayano-san use this chance to move two rows forwards" The tiny girl crawled as fast as she can

The Assassination Classroom is real?!  (Various x reader)Where stories live. Discover now