Training camp?

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It's been hours since anyone had heard any news regarding {y/n}. Despite knowing now the poison which was given to the class would be reversed by morning, they still felt heavy at heart from what happened. Karasuma paced along the dining hall holding his phone for any kind of updates. Aizawa was making a few calls to arrange some things himself but at this point no one knew what was going to happen.

After a few hours Karasuma heard his phone begin to buzz, not even a second later he picked up the phone. "How is she?" He asked, the students immediately gave their attention to their teacher. Karma instantly standing from his table. The male only nodded as he listened what the doctor was explaining to him over the phone, his face twisting with shock but soon filled with relief. "I understand thank you" The male simply stated before hanging up the phone and looking at the class who all awaited eagerly to hear what the teacher learned about.

"{Y/n} is stable right now, they were able to repair the broken bones, they flushed the poison out of her body..but she is going to have difficulties moving on her own for a while. She will be on crutches. She is incredibly fragile right now." Karasuma stated, not really quoting the doctor on that.

That was all the class needed to hear before they rushed  through her door. Meanwhile {y/n} had just gotten up to look out the hospital window. Her face smeared with bandages, her left shoulder and right leg were  casted. Her expression seemed lost, tired even. 

"How are you feeling?" A female voice asked from the group. 

At first {y/n} didnt say anything; just stared at the window. "I feel....nothing" The girl whispered out. Karma clenched his teeth just before he walked forward, stopping by the edge of her bed. "{Y/n}-" Karma started to speak but was quickly shut down.

"You guys should go." It was dull. Something the class wasn't expecting.

"But-" Kayano started but {Y/n} spoke louder. "Please just leave!"

She didn't mean to sound so harsh, she didn't mean for her words to sound so cold. They held no hatred for her classmates she just couldn't handle this conversation yet.

Karasuma came in seconds later to usher everyone out, "Let her be, it's really late for everyone and you all need rest for tomorrow. We will be here a few more day before we head back to the main island. We will talk more in the morning." The teacher didnt give enough time for the others to protest the girls wishes before they were all forced out.

As soon as everyone left {y/n} couldn't stop the single tear that slipped down her cheek. She felt guilty. She felt shamed. A little part of her wanted  to scream and shout at the class for bringing her into this whole situation! If it weren't for this stupid school, and that damn octopus she wouldn't be in this mess!! She would still have a home. A family. 

But...[y/n] knew deep down that she couldn't. It wasn't their fault. It's impossible for this to be their fault. [Y/n] just felt like if she did blame them this will be a easier.

-Time skip-

It was the next day and the class was in the dining hall eating their breakfast and chatting like normal. Koro-sensei was being his usual extra self by talking about the other sight seeing events here on the island. Some of the students , Marhara and Mimura to be exact, were entertaining the octopus by feeding into his itinerary plans. Feeding him the local lore. Meanwhile Karma, Nagisa and Rio were worried sick about their friend. Breakfast was almost over and they haven't seen her yet.

"Karasuma-sensei have you heard back regarding [y/n]?" Rio asked worriedly.

"I have not. We should let her rest" Of course that wasn't what they wanted to hear, the exact opposite really. But the class knew they couldn't argue, it was just a waiting game at this point.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2023 ⏰

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