Capitulo Cinco

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Hello and welcome to a new chapter of The Selkie Boy, the previous chapter we found out that Jin is bit of a naughty boy, something I already knew haha what will happen in the chapter. Well read to find out bye!

Vanessa's Point of View

I was breathing hard never have felt this sensation in my lower region before.

Seokjin chuckled, "I'm kidding Vanessa," he said.

I signed in relief, but Seokjin turned to look at me and lightly touched my chin," Or am I?" he asked smirking.

My face turn a deep shade of red Seokjin chuckled and kept walking off.

What the hell just happened?

"Vanessa are you coming?" asked Seokjin .

"Ah yes," I said.

I ran up to Seokjin and we walked out of the school.

The Next Day

Seokjin and I walked into the attendance office to pick up his schedule.

Ms. Smith, the attendance lady ,was typing away on her computer.

"Hi Ms. Smith my friend Seokjin would like to pick his schedule," I said.

"Ah yes the new exchange student from Canada, ah here you are I hope you enjoy yourself at Ocean View High," she said.

We thanked her and left the attendance office,"So what classes do you have?" I asked him.

Seokjin handed me his schedule, I looked over it.

1st Period-AP English -Ms. James Rm.302

2nd Period-  AP Chemistry Mr. Henry Rm. 212

3rd Period-  AP Calculus Mr.Wong Rm. 114


4th Period-  AP Chinese (Mandarin)  Ms. Chang Rm.305

5th Period- AP History Ms. Nelson Rm.404

I handed him back his schedule, "Looks like we have all the same classes except for Chinese, strange I didn't know you could speak Chinese, besides isn't your name Kim, I thought Kim was  a Korean last name?" I asked him.

Seokjin looked at me," Yes I'm Korean but my grandmother on my mother's side was Chinese so I spent most of my time with her so that's how I know Chinese," he said.

"Nice, I wish I could speak Chinese, all I know is Spanish and English," I said.

Seokjin cleared his throat, "Tambien puedo hablar español," he said. (I can also speak Spanish).

Hearing him talking in Spanish made me a bit excited in lower region. I don't know; no other boy has ever made me feel this way, the closest way I ever felt like this was back in Sophomore year when I was fooling around with this senior  guy named Jackson Wang, all we did was make out, then I found he had a girlfriend and we broke it off and I have never seen him ever again.

Seokjin smirked then went over to my ear and whispered," Pero también puedo hacerte gritar en español cuando te come fuera," he said. ( But also I can make you scream in spanish when I eat you out).

I gulped, and he whispered again, "You would like that wouldn't you?"he asked me .

Seokjin hands caressed my face.

"Vanessa your face is so smooth, " he said.
Then his long soft slender finger trailed down to my lips.

"So are your lips," he said.

His lips were few inches away from mine I could feel his warm breath tickling my lips.

But suddenly I remembered where I was and what I was doing.

I shoved Seokjin away from me , "Seokjin we can't be doing this in school, what happens if someone sees us?" I asked him.


Seokjin and I turned to look at who spoke it JungKook.

"Vanessa we have English next we gotta go or we will be late,"he said.

"Oh yeah," I said.

I quickly followed JungKook.

Than Seokjin coughed, "Also I have English as well," said Seokjin.

JungKook just looked at Seokjin.

"Well let's go to class our we will be late," I said.

Seokjin gave my shoulder giving it a light squeeze.

"Let's go to class than," I said.


Seokjin and I grabbed our lunch.

"Vanessa over here," waved Stella at us.

"Seokjin, this is Namjoon with the platinum hair and the girl in the beanie is Amber," said Stella.

"Hey," they said.

Seokjin and I went over to Stella's table. JungKook and Stella were already sitting down, so was our friend Amber and Namjoon.

Seokjin and I took a seat next to JungKook, I was going to sit in the middle. " Vanessa do you mind if I sit in middle?" asked Seokjin.

"Oh not at all Seokjin," I said.

"Thank you," he said.

Seokjin sat in the middle of us, I don't know but I could feel like a cold presence also it didn't help that the room was dead silent.

What did I get myself into?

Hey guys I hope you guys enjoyed the new chapter of The Selkie Boy were starting to see Jin as a bit of a naughty boy. But hey every boy is a bit naughty haha. Well please comment and vote see you in the next chapter bye!

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