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*two weeks after Ethan's Death*
Kaylee's POV

It's still really hard without Ethan. We were supposed to have our wedding in seven weeks, and knowing that aches my heart even more. I've learned to be happy that he was in my life, and not to dread over the fact that it's over. I mean yeah obviously I cry every now and then but that's plenty fine and normal. But now when I hear his name I don't cry, I smile. I smile because I remember how much he loved me and all of our memories we had together.
I'll never forget what he said. The last thing he said.
"Lee, you got this. Take care of Grayson and Cameron. Visit every day. Make sure a smile never leaves their face. I trust you baby, I love you."

I do visit them everyday. They are family to me. I honestly don't really "visit" I practically live there now. I always stay in the guest bedroom because a few nights after Ethan had passed I realized I don't want to sleep alone in my own house. So I asked if I could stay in their guest room for a while, and they said they were just about to ask me if I wanted to anyway. So I've been staying there. And it's so great to constantly be with the people I love. We keep each other happy.
I look over at the clock on my nightstand
Ugh. I should go to sleep.
I get on my phone and pull up Ethan's contact.

Kaylee: goodnight baby

Kaylee: I love you

Kaylee: and I'll never stop


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