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---Minseo POV---
At seven, I heard a knock on the door. I slowly walked over to open it. As soon as I saw him and he saw me, he sighed.
This will be interesting, I thought.
*whispers*"So, umm, let's just get this over with to make our parents happy."
Namjoon *whispers*- "Whatever."
This is going to end in disaster. We have no interest in each other, so what's the point. We're just wasting a good Friday.
Since it was seven, my parents kicked us out.
Mum- "Curfew is 11:30. Make sure you get back by then, but no earlier. We want you to have a great time and a great date!"
Namjoon- "Thank you, and yes, we will be back at 11:30."
Dad- "See ya later, kids!"
Namjoon and I- "Okay."
I guess to show off to my parents, he opened my door to let my in the car, closed it, then went around to get in the drivers seat. It was silent, other than Namjoon's dramatic sighs. I needed to talk so I asked where we were going.
Namjoon- "No where, unless you have something in mind."
"How about a bite to eat?"
Namjoon- "Uhhhhhh, s-sure. Where to?"
"I got to pick what we do, you get to pick where we do it."
Namjoon- "Do you like tacos?"
"Yeah, I love them!"
Namjoon- "How about TacoBell?"
"That's great!"
Namjoon- "Then TacoBell it is."
Maybe with some food, it won't be so bad. I mean, food solves all problems, right? Although, anything with Namjoon is pretty bad. Let's just hope he doesn't break the table.
We arrive, and sat there for a few minutes in awkward silence. Then, he got out, opened my door and went inside. I followed. The inside was very comforting since I come here weekly. I knew a lot of the workers here because they are very friendly.
Anonymous- "Hey, Minseo!!!"
"Hey, Jimin! How are ya?"
Jimin is the cashier here on weekend nights. I would totally ask him out, if we went to the same school, but life's life.
Jimin- "Just fine! And who might this be?"
"This is Namjoon, a distant friend."
Jimin- "Distant, huh? You'll fall for him in a couple days 😉."
Jimin- "Are you ready to order, sir?"
---Namjoon POV---
Jimin- "Are you ready to order, sir?"
"Ummm, yes. How about you Minseo?"
Minseo- "Yes."
"Okay, you first then."
Jimin, a nice looking that Minseo knew, smiled slyly.
~~~ Time Skip to after ordering~~~
Jimin- "Order number 21!"
"I'll get it if you get a table."
Minseo "Okay, no problem."
I got our tray of food and looked around for Minseo. She was at our table talking to a guy. The second one of the night! I walked over to sit down, but he sat down instead.
"Excuse me, sir. You're sitting in our booth, with my date."
Anonymous- "Your date?"
"Yes, so please, could you go somewhere else?"
Anonymous- "Can I have your name first?"
"A true gentleman does not ask, but gives their name first."
Anonymous- "Okay, then. My name is Kim Seokjin. You can call me Jin"
"Kim Namjoon. It's very nice to meet you, but still, excuse me."
Jin- "Oh, right, sorry. See you two around, Minseo, Namjoon."
What a pain. I don't even know why I'm here right now with her.
Minseo- " Why did you do that?!"
"Because I am your date. Not some stranger, and actually, that's your second guy talking to, other than me, tonight on our date."
Minseo- "This is not our date! I am not your date! I don't like you and I couldn't care less about you. If it wasnt for our parents making us, I would be in bed watching Netflix."
"If you want we could go back with the food to your house and watch some Netflix."
Minseo- I-I.... I don't know. We would need drinks if you don't want water. It's your choice."
I surprised her with being so nice. I can already tell that I am changing. I hope she can tell, too.
"S-sure, sure. That would be good. Would you like to get the drinks or should I?"
Minseo- "I can go get them and pay for them, since you got the food. What do you want?"
"No, no! Here!"
I handed her some money.
"And a large Coke, please. Make sure you get a large, too."
Minseo- "Okay, two large Cokes then."
She came back with the change and our drinks. She yelled, "Have a nice night, Jimin!"
Jimin- "You, too, Minseo!"
We got in the car and headed back to her house. It was only eight, so her parents were very worried something had gone wrong, but we explained the situation. They were very pleased.
We got to her bedroom, and woah. There was a 60 inch, flat screen tv. I sat down the food on her table. She did the same with the drinks.
Minseo- "I'll be right back. I need to use the bath room and I am also changing into something comfortable."
She grabbed some sweatpants and a tee-shirt, and headed down the hall, to the bathroom. I sat down on the bed, kind of tense because, after all, I am in some girls house that hates me.
Three minutes later, she came back in. I tossed her the remote, and she turned the huge tv on. She awkwardly was standing there, so I slid off the bed, unto the floor so she could be comfortable.
"Here, have the bed, I'll get the floor."
Minseo- "Um, okay"
She walked over to sit down.
Minseo- "What would you like to watch?"
"Uhhh, I kinda like The Beauty Inside ?
Minseo- "Yeah! Sounds great!"
After eating, she was on the bed and I was in the floor, the movie started. About thirty minutes into the movie, she said, "You don't look very comfortable. How about you come up and lay here..? O-on the other side though."

Only Him (Namjoon Fanfic)[NOT COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now