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"Uhh. N-no t-thanks. I'm fine."
Minseo- "No, you're not. Now get up here. I'm lonely anyway."
I hopped unto the bed. She paused the movie while I did. I place myself on the other side and laid down. She played the movie. We were only about an hour through the movie and it was 9:05.
Gosh, still two and a half more hours.
Minseo- "How was your day, other than detention?"
"I don't know. I didn't think you cared."
Minseo- "I-I don't. You're right."
We sat in silence for the remaining time of the movie. Finally, after it was over, I had to go. I just couldn't take it anymore.
"Well, um, if you don't mind, I'm gonna go."
"What? It's only 10."
"I'm really tired and I need some sleep. Anyway, why don't you want me to leave?"
"Fine, just go."
"See ya"
I walked into the living room where her parents and them to the front door.
Minseo's Mom- "Well, where are you going?"
"I'm really tired and I want to get home soon so I won't fall asleep on the road."
Minseo's Mom- "Oh, okay. Well, then, see you sometime soon I hope."
Don't count on it.
"Uh, yeah. Bye."
I sprinted to my car to get away. I wish I had stayed home and I can't even believe that they believed my many lies about being tired. I stay up all night sometimes and go to school the next day.
Well, I might as well go to my best friend Yoongi's, house. He's probably up. I spend ten minutes getting to his house but then I see something. M-minseo's car?! N-no, must be someone else's. I got out of the car and walked to Yoongi's door. I knock but who came was NOT Yoongi. IT WAS MINSEO.
Minseo- "Too tired to drive home?"
Minseo- "No, it's fine. I know you don't like me and same goes for you. That's okay."
"Yeah, o-okay."
Yoongi- "Come on in, Namjoon."
I saw Yoongi shirtless in the background. He came up and put his arms around Minseo's waist.
Minseo- "Oh, hey, I forgot to tell you. Yoongi and I are a thing."
Yoongi kisses Minseo's forehead.
Yoongi- "Yeah, we are."
Yoongi pulled back, away from Minseo.
Yoongi- "We're just kidding man. Don't get your panties in a wad."
By then, they were both laughing very, very loud. It instantly gave me a headache.
Minseo- "Yeah, Namjoon. We were just kidding. Now go home."
"What? Why?"
Minseo- "Because I'm coming with you."
Minseo- "If our parents want us together, we're going to be together, on some conditions of course. So, come on. You can bring me back to get my car later. "
"U-ummm, okay. Where do your parents think you are?"
Minseo- "At Jia's. Now come on."
She ran to the car. I slowly followed. We both got in with me saying, "What are those conditions?"
Minseo- "You can't be a player, break my heart on purpose, and you have to actually like me. Show me if you do or not. Like you have to prove it."
I know exactly how to do that.
"Okay, sounds good."
Minseo- "Now let's go."
"Wait, just a second."
I looked at her. She was curious on why we weren't going. I leaned in to get a bit closer.
"Will this prove it?"
Minseo- "W-what?"
I leaned even more. We were so close that I could feel her breathing. She looked scared. Of course, this was probably her first kiss and mine, too. Then, it happened. We leaned closer at the same time so that we could feel each other's lips touching. I kissed her and surprisingly, she kissed back. We both pulled away with her saying, "Wow."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2017 ⏰

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