Chapter Two

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"So my girlfriend at the time, Eliza, she liked me a lot Pip," Alexander said, running a hand through his oily brown hair. Philip nodded, looking at his father with eyes full of wonder and curiosity. Alexander always told Philip bedtime stories, some fictional, some being real things he had witnessed, or things he had read in a book. No matter the subject, Philip loved his father's stories, and the young boy's interest in the tale grew knowing it was about his fathers. "She loved me Philip, and I knew that, so I tried my best to convince myself that I loved her. But I didn't... and eventually she found out."

Philip raised an eyebrow, questioning his father's actions. "But, wouldn't that hurt her feelings?"

"Yes Pip, it did," Alexander said, a hint of sadness in his voice, remembering his past with Eliza, regretting every moment. Sure, he was still friends with her now, pretty close actually, but that didn't make what Alex put her through any better. "But we're not to that part of the story yet. We're at the part where your uncles Herc and Laf come in."


"Hey Eliza," Alexander grinned as his girlfriend entered his dorm, her blue sundress swaying as she walked. "How're you doing?"

"Good," Her smile was bright as she looked at Alexander, her heart beating as fast as it always did when she was around him. "Why'd you want me to come over?"

"Did I need a reason?" Alexander grinned cockily, leaning against the wall, gently patting the space next to him, silently beckoning Eliza to sit. Eliza complied, taking a seat next to him, folding her hands in her lap. "So-"

"Bonjour!" Alexander's best friend shouted as he practically kicked down the door, walking into the room, his stance proud. Hercules trailed behind him, his hand gripping Lafayette's. "Mon ami, Hercules and I thought we'd pay you a visit." Alexander sighed, rubbing his temples. "Are we, how you say, interrupting something?"

As much as Alexander would have liked to say "Yes, you fucking are", Eliza didn't give him a chance. "Of course not, Laf. I just got here too."

"Remind me why I gave you a key to my dorm?" Alexander groaned, letting his head fall back against the wall, a loud noise emitting as he cranium made contact with the wall.

"Because you love us," Hercules said, taking a seat on John's bed. "Where's your roommate?"

Alexander sneered, rolling his eyes. "Who cares? As long as he's not here, I don't give a shit where he is." Hercules and Lafayette raised an eyebrow.

"Why do you hate him so much anyway?" Lafayette asked, much to Alexander's displeasure.

"He just... He just sucks okay!" Alex huffed, crossing his arms. His friends sighed, being used to Alexander's childlike arguments.

"Have you even talked to him?" Eliza asked seriously, though her tone was soft. "I mean like a real conversation? Who knows, maybe he's not a bad guy," Eliza knit her eyebrows as Alexander looked away. "I think you should give him a chance."

"Not happening," Alexander said firmly.

"Alex..." Hercules started, staring down his friend. "You can't just hate him for no reason," Lafayette murmured in agreement, his head resting on Hercules' shoulder.

"My reason is that he's a doucheb-" Alexanders head snapped in the direction of the door opening. "You're back again?!" Alexander said, his tone sounding like John did something extremely unorthodox. "Do you ever just stay away?"

"Well I was walking to he café, but it started to rain," John said, eyeing Hercules and Lafayette on his bed. "I see you have guests over."

"Yeah, so you should leave. You're not wanted here," Alexander said. John looked down, his expression looking hurt, not that Alexander cared.

"I see," John said, his voice sounding sad. "Goodbye Alexander," He said softly, before exiting. Alexander smirked, but only for a few seconds before Eliza slapped his arm, her facial expression looking furious. Eliza was a level-headed girl, she didn't get angry easy, which only made it all the more shocking that she hit Alex.

"What was that for?!" Alexander exclaimed, rubbing his arm.

"For being a jerk, Alexander. Now go apologize to that poor boy," Before Alexander had any chance at protest, Eliza glared at him, muttering a short "Go".

"Fine," Alexander huffed, pulling himself off the bed.

Lafayette and Hercules stared in awe as he made his way to the door, being almost out of it before he turned around swiftly.

"But don't expect it to be sincere."


"Daddy, that was really mean," Philip said, his bottom lip slightly sticking out.

Alexander sighed, nodding a little sadly. "I know Pip, and I wish I never said those things to John, but it only led to me falling for him. I don't know if we'd be together if I wasn't so rude to him when we first met."

"That doesn't make sense," Philip said, crossing his arms.

Alexander chuckled, looking down at his son fondly. "It doesn't make a lot of sense, I'm aware, but that's how history was laid out for us, and we can't change it. I wouldn't want to change it either, everything I've done lead to where I am, Philip. With a beautiful husband, and an amazing son." Philip smiled brightly. "You're getting me off track, where was I?"

"Auntie Liza yelled at you," Philip said, giggling.

"That's right, well I'm warning you Pip, I apologized, but it didn't exactly... Go as planned..."

A/N: I'm starting to kind of hate this book, does anyone actually like it? And if you do... like wtf why?!

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