Chapter Eight

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"What the fuck was with all the yelling, mom ami?" Laf asked as he entered Alex's dorm nonchalantly, taking a seat on John's bed.

"That was John," Alex said, looking up from his notebook that he had been scribbling a draft of an essay into. Lafayette raised an eyebrow at him, not even needing to ask the question of 'what the fuck did you do this time?'. "Well the dude had me in his lap. So I called him disgusting and he screamed at me for a while." Alex shrugged, looking back down at his notebook.

"Wait, why'd you call him disgusting?" Lafayette asked, confused.

"He was acting all gay," Alexander said bluntly.

Lafayette's face darkened as he stared at Alexander. "You called him disgusting... Because he was quote 'acting gay'," Alexander nodded, looking up at Laf with a perplexed expression. "Is there something wrong with being gay?"

"Well it's kinda gross," Alex said, shrugging.

"Alexander, I dare you to say that again. I dare you," Lafayette said, his tone turning from his cheerful one to a much more menacing one in seconds.

"I just said it's kinda gross Laf why're you so mad-"

"'Why're you so mad?'," Lafayette mocked, standing up. "I'm mad because you're being a bigoted asshole," Alexander's eyes widened as Lafayette slapped him hard. "Since apparently you weren't aware, Hercules and I are in a relationship. That's right, two men, in a loving and healthy relationship. Wow, so disgusting huh?" Alexander stared up at Lafayette, a dumbfounded expression on his face. "Oh, and not to mention your girlfriend is bisexual. That's right Eliza's bi, Peggy is gay too, another disgusting person."

"Laf, I never said anything that bad-"

Lafayette glared at Alexander, his enraged eyes burning holes into Alex. "You know what Alex? The only reason you're homophobic is because you refuse to admit to yourself that you like boys."

"I don't like boys!" Alexander yelled, his eyebrows knitting.

"Then why do you think being gay is disgusting?" Lafayette asked blandly, crossing his arms.


"That's what I thought," Laf said, sighing. "Good job Alexander. You made John feel shitty, pissed me off, along with every gay person you're friends with. I'm definitely telling them about this. I wonder what they'll think."

"Look, Laf-" Alexander cut himself off, not having any idea what he would even say.

"So yeah, congratulations on royally fucking everyone and yourself over. I hope you're happy."


"Uncle Laffy slapped you?!" Philip asked, wide-eyed as he stared at Alexander.

"Yes, yes he did," Alexander said, chuckling. "And to be honest, I deserved it. He was completely right, I was being an assh-"

"Alexander," John scolded, covering Philip's ears. "How many times do I have to tell you? Language." Philip pried John's hands from his ears. "And you did deserve it," John said, running fingers his through Philip's semi-tangled curls.

"I know," Alex said, nodding. He turned to Philip, smiling. "Guess what Pip."

"What?" Philip asked, raising an eyebrow as he looked up at Alexander. Alex took a glance at John, grinning.

"Papa is going to tell the next part."

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