Chapter Three

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Alexander walked through the dorm building hallways, already dreading having to talk to John. Sure, he had reason to apologize, he had been rude and out of line, but that didn't make him want to actually do it.

"John!" He yelled as he spotted the curly haired man heading to the elevator. John turned, his face falling as he saw Alexander.

"What do you want?" John groaned, stopping in his tracks, a frown on his face.

"Where are you going?" Alex asked, trying not to let his tone sound annoyed or angry. John just gave him a look, a sort of exhausted glare before turning around, walking in the direction he was going before Alexander had talked to him. "So you're not going to tell me?"

John stopped walking. Alexander noticed how his hands curled into fists. "Well, if you want to know so badly, I'm going to request to move rooms," John turned around, crossing his arms.

"You're going to ask for a new roommate?! But why?" Alexander asked in shock.

"Maybe because my current roommate hates me and repeatedly tells me to leave and that I'm not wanted," John snapped, making Alexander flinch. The only reason he flinched was that, well, what John was saying was true.

"John I-"

"Save it, Alexander. You don't like me, so I'll just get out of your hair," John said, shrugging. "Why'd you even come after me anyways?" Alexander had almost forgotten about his promise to Eliza that he would apologize.

"Well, I came to say I'm sorry," Alexander said. He was surprised at how sincere the words sounded, he wasn't sorry in the slightest. At least, he didn't think he was. "I was out of line, and I shouldn't have said those things to you."

John looked surprised, but soon his expression turned into a sour angry glare. "Like hell you actually mean that." Alexander opened his mouth, ready to respond before John cut him off. "I tried Alex, I really tried to be nice to you. I ignored your behavior, I took every backhanded comment you threw at me. But I'm done, I don't want to be your punching bag, not anymore." John turned on his heels swiftly, starting to storm off before Alex grabbed his arm firmly.

"Laurens, I'm sorry," Alexander said, his eyes traveling over John's freckled face. As soon as Alexander's chocolate colored eyes met John's mint ones, they both seemed to be paralyzed, neither one moving an inch. Alexander's heart pounded as John seemed to look down at his lips for a second. "I-I really am."

John gave him a small smile, nodding. "Okay Alex."

Alexander stepped away from John, bewildered. John ran off suddenly, disappearing off into the hallway, leaving Alexander to wonder what had just happened.

Alexander opened his mouth, expecting something to come out, but nothing came, he had no words.

He traced his steps, going back to his dorm. Eliza, Hercules, and Lafayette all waiting there, their eyes all focused on Alexander as he entered, seeming out of breath and disheveled, slightly confused.

"What happened mon ami?" Lafayette asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I have no idea."


"Did you know you where in love yet?" Philip asked excitedly, a bright smile on his face.

"I don't think so, Pip. I didn't understand what I felt," Alexander said, shrugging, trying to recall what was happening in his brain.

"Well you had to figure it out eventually!" Philip exclaimed, waving his hands aggressively. Alexander chuckled at his son's impatience.

"It'll come soon, Pip. Patience, patience," Alexander said. "But I think the rest of the story can wait till morning, you need to sleep."

"No!" Philip whined. "Come on daddy, I wanna hear more! Please?"

Alexander sighed. "Fine, fine. But only a little more, then bed time. Okay Philip?" Alexander asked, looking down at his son, who grinned, nodding hastily. "Okay, but don't be so loud. Your Papa is asleep, remember?"

"Okay," Philip said, pulling the blankets tighter around himself.

"Good, now let me continue."

A/N: I won't be on wattpad at all until Sunday, so if you guys would comment on this chapter a lot, so I could have something positive to come back to, that would be much appreciated. I haven't been in a good mood the last couple of days, and I'd really like something happy to have when I come back on Sunday.

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