The Truth Exposed.

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After eating lunch, Brad and I are strolling at the mall hand in hand as we go look for boots and dresses.

"Hey Care, i think you'll like that one." he says as he points to a pair of gray boots that comes up to the knees.

"It's beautiful! Let us go check it."as i pull him inside the store.

I asked the sales clerk for my shoe size and tried them on.

"It fits perfectly. And it goes with my get up. haha."i said.

"it looks good on you! Do you like to get it?"he asked.

"thank you! and yes i like to!" i say as i remove it and heads to the counter.

"1700 dollars ma'am." the The lady at the counter said as i fish for my credit card in my bag.

"Here you go." I hear Brad say as he hands the cashier his credit card.

"What? Brad, no! i found it." i complained.

"Too late, Underwood!" he says as he waves the bag to me.

"really, you don't have to do that." i say. "and thank you!" i said as pecked him on the lips and hugged him. Brad seemed shocked.

uh-oh. I forgot there are people around us. Oh well, we just walked out immediately.

I can hear the sales clerks say "Was that Carrie Underwood and Brad Paisley?"


I don't think anybody noticed what i did so i think we're safe.

"So sorry about that Brad. i didn't mean to."i apologetically said.

"it's okay, Care. No worries."

"do you think they've seen it?"

"i don't know, they might've noticed because they are a lot, but i don't think there are any paparazzis around." he says.

"oh, i feel relieved. Anyways i need to pee."

"yeah okay, i'll wait for you just outside." he replies as i go to the restroom.

I'm glad there aren't too many people at the restroom, they're only, like, 5 teenagers. Two girls namely Kaylha And Darya (they are best friends) are claiming to be my biggest fans in the "WHOLE WIDE WORLD" as they say. They asked for a picture and an autograph. Of course i agreed, i like making my fans happy, you know, its kinda like my give back to them for they were the reason i'm here making music and doing the thing that i love. Anyway after I pee, i fixed myself first then went out.

I saw Brad standing so i embraced him from the back, because as I said, there aren't too many people here.

"Hey Paisley."

And then he faced me and leaned me up against the wall. 

"why, hello there Underwood.."

He looked me straight in the eyes, and  can feel being lost again in those beautiful big brown eyes of him. Then he slowly leans in and kisses me .. then BAM!


When Brad and I were already inside the car, he rushed on the way to my house. We were finally on the driveway when he spoke up.

"I am so sorry Carrie, I brought you into a big trouble."

"I'm very sorry too. ugh. This will be a headline to the tabloids and magazines and newspapers tomorrow."

"i know. and again, I am one sorry handsome guy." he said letting out a slight laugh.

He just never fails to make me feel relieved when a problem comes up.

"yeah and i am one sorry hot chica here." i said laughing.

"hahaha. you call yourself hot?"

"what? am i not?" i said frowning.

"hmmm.. i'd have to think about that eh." he replied teasingly.

"okay then." i say as i open the car door and get out but he pulled me in again.

"hey, you. you're not hot. You are VERY VERY HOT. as in Hottest of the hottest."

"REALLY?!" i said. kinda pissed to be honest.

"of course!" he says as he leans in   AGAIN! i mean. of course i couldn't resist it. It's Brad Freaking Paisley for Pete's sake!

"uhmm Brad"

"hmmm?"he said kissing me again.

"i need to pee."

"AGAIN??" he asked complaining.

"no i was kidding, let's get inside. there might be paps again here."

"oh okay, okay.." he says as we both open the car door and get out. As usual he opens the door for me.

We went upstairs first to change. I changed into sweatpants and a Nashville Preds tee. I'm a fan okay? Of Mike Fisher to be specific. After i'm done, i laid on my bed and watched Brad change his clothes. And oh that abs. I can't help but stare and stare i mean, yeah all i did was stare and stare to his abs and muscles and hot body and okay i need to stop, but i just can't.


oh darn it!was i staring too long? I didn't even noticed that he has changed into sweats also.



"is there something wrong?"

"oh no, absolutely hot."


"what? i mean. fine. everything's fine." i said as i chuckled.

"oh, cool. Coz you were staring blankly into the space and i've called you for, like, 10 times already and i don't think you csn hear me."

" was nothing, i'm just tired maybe." i replied as he crawls onto the bed.

"yeah me too. it was a long day." he says as i cuddled up to his chest.

"we need a rest. We better be prepared for tomorrow." i suggested.

"yeah. probably. Goodnight Care, i love you." he says as he kisses my forehead.

"good night, i love you too..."

then i drifted of to sleep. I can still feel him caressing my hair tho. I wonder what tomorrow has in store for us. ugh. I need to be ready for it. We need to surpass it.



This chapter is dedicated to CareBear4CU!!

anyways. what di you think about it? comment up! and don't forget to VOTE please. Thankies.

YOUrs truly,


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