The officer's daughter

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"John!" You gasped when you opened your bedroom window and found the grinning boy climbing up to your room.

"Hello." He chuckled, climbing in and immediately kissed you, the two of you became so wrapped up in each other that you didn't notice your father coming home.

"(Y/N)?" He called and you both froze.

"Father?" You replied, and hurried to stand on the landing as John climbed back out of the window. "How are you?" You asked quickly when he frowned at you.

"Tired, the Shelby's are up to something and it's taking a lot of work to figure out what it is and one of them keeps vanishing and missing meetings." He smiled when you looked at him sympathetically and hurried to make him a drink as he sat by the first before heading to bed.


"(Y/N)." John hissed, pulling you around a corner out of sight.

"Miss (Y/L/N) are you alright?" You heard someone call from behind you but you didn't pull away from John quick enough. A shocked boy who worked under your father stared at you and John as he tugged his hand from your waist.

"I can explain..." you gasped and tried to stop him running off but he'd gone before you could reach him. "Father will be furious."

"I don't care, I love you... if I have to pretend to give up on you to make him happy I will." John promised, kissing your forehead as he hurried away to warn the others that he'd been caught.

When you got home your father was already there, furiously walking the room as he waited for you. As soon as he set eyes on you he began to yell, listing all the things wring with john and the Shelby family as you stood quietly, tears slowly running down your cheeks when he shook you roughly and begged for you to tell him what you saw in John.

"Father?" You asked later that evening, emerging from your room.

"What is it (Y/N)?" He asked you and you shuffled your hands through your skirt.

"I'm sorry Father." You whispered and he looked over at you while shaking his head.

"You're not sorry, you're in love with the boy... you're sorry I found out." He slammed his drink down on the side, making you jump, and shoved his boots on as he grabbed his coat.

"Father where're you going?" you asked quickly but he didn't answer, simply slamming and locking the door behind him.


"Where is he?" Your father bellowed when Finn opened the door and he shoved his way into the house.

"Officer, you cannot simply enter without a reason." Polly argued, her politeness forced only to spare you any more repercussions.

"You boy, I don't know what tricks you've played to have her in love with you but mark my words it ends now!" He shouted at John who was leant against the wall opposite him, chuckling slightly.

"Certainly officer." He sighed before pushing off the wall. "As for tricks, she was almost shot by some drunk and I saved her, not much of a trick mind you but we got to talking and we got along."

"You saved her?" He asked and clenched his jaw as John nodded. "She didn't tell me that."

"Why would she, you're always too busy, poor girl comes here with washing and lessons on how to cook." Polly snapped as she walked over to John. "He's the one helping her around the house while you're busy chasing folk."

"You cannot see her... not in public." He ordered John who nodded, it was the better of the options he'd imagined your father was going to give him.

"Of course, sir." He mumbled, nodding as your father gave him a once over and stomped out of the house.

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