4: Egon's Date

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I looked at the book, not knowing what to say. I now had the answer, but I didn't know what the answer meant. White just up and left without one word at to what it meant. I was left in the dark. I knew that Natalie would know what it meant, but I wasn't Natalie. 

"Egon!" I heard Peter yell up to me. I sighed and walked down to see what he wanted. I came done and saw a woman sitting next to Peter. She had long red hair and blue eyes. Her skin was pale, and she was looking around. 

"What do you want Peter?" I asked him. "If you haven't noticed, I'm trying to save my sister." 

"I just wanted to let you know that you are on your own tonight," he answered helping the woman up. "I've got a date with Ruby here. Bye Egon." 

"You are leaving me alone when I need help?" 

"You'll have Janine." 

He walked away, and I looked to see Janine looking at me. I sighed and walked up the stairs. Janine followed me, more then likely going to try and help me. No matter how much I love her, she was not meant to help me in my work. 

"So what can I help you with Egon?" she asked taking my arm in her hands. I looked at her. 

"Nothing," I answered. "I need Ray, Winston, or Peter." 

"Then maybe you could spend some time with me," she sighed into my ear. 

"I would love to Janine, but I can't right now. I have to free Natalie." 

"I understand. I should think about Natalie first." 

"No, I didn't mean it like that," I told her taking her hands in my own. "It's just Natalie is in trouble. I may be the only person who can free her." 

She looked sadly down at her feet and I sighed. I lifted her chin so she was looking at me. I didn't want to hurt her feelings like this. I was bad at doing things like this, even to the woman I loved. 

"I can't save Natalie without the others. I know I can't. So why don't we just go out for the night. There's nothing we can really do here." 

"Really?" she asked, her face filled with joy. I looked over at the book, a picture of Natalie next to it. She would want me to go, no matter what. She is the one who got Janine and I together. It was just one night. Nothing else. 

"Yes," I answered. "I suggest you get ready." 

"Oh thank you Egon!" she cried and gave me a kiss. I watched her run out of the lab and I sighed. I picked up the book and stared at it for a long time. 

"I hope I know what I'm doing," I told it, almost like I was talking to Natalie. I wish she could hear me and help me. It's the kind of thing she likes. 


"I'm had a wonderful time Egon," Janine told me, giggling. I smiled down at her, her arms wrapped around one of mine. We were close to home, and I had a good time. We went to have a nice dinner, then somehow Janine talked me into taking her bowling. I still don't know how I got talked into this. 

"I did too," I told her. I opened the door for her and she walked in smiling. She grabbed her jacket, and walked back to the open door. 

"It was amazing just to spend time with you Egon," she whispered in my ear. "Want to know what would make this night better?" 

"What?" I asked looking in her eyes. 

"This," she answered and placed her lips on mine. She held on for a while, and I let her. It felt good to hold her has she kissed me. Yet I had to pull away, and she looked sadly at the ground. "I'm sorry Egon." 

"No," I told her. "Don't be. I just don't want to kiss you without Natalie here." 


"She was the one who got us together. She should be here to know that her hard work would pay off. But I will do this," I told her pulling her into another kiss. When we pulled away she had a smile on her face. 

"I'll see you tomorrow Dr. Spengler," she said walking out the door. I sighed and walked up the stairs. 

I walked into the door and saw a woman standing over the open book. She had her back to me, and it looked like she was begging someone. She had on a red Ghostbuster uniform with purple trimming on it. Her blonde hair was up in the ponytail it usually was, and her blue eyes behind purple glasses. It was Natalie. 

"Natalie!" I cried and ran to hug her. She didn't look up at me, and when I touched her, my arms went through. This wasn't really Natalie. It was just the picture of her, and she couldn't hear or see me. I just looked at the picture. 

"Please don't make me do this!" she told something. She looked up with tears on her face, begging still. "But why?" After a brief moment two sticks appeared in her hands. Both were red, but one was much darker then the other. She looked at them both. 

"Natalie?" I asked, hoping she could hear me. She couldn't. 

"Alright Nat," she said to herself, "think." She held up the darker colored stick. "Ellis is your older brother." She held up the lighter one. "Egon is my twin brother. Ellis cares about me so much. But Egon has always been there when I need him. Yet I love them both." She put both of the sticks in her hand and kissed them both. I didn't see which one she pulled from her hand. "I'm sorry," she whispered, and seemed to stab the stick into something else. 

I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I fell on my knees in pain, looking at the picture of Natalie. She was staring in horror at something, and then it seemed she slide down a wall, crying. She hugged her knees, not looking at anything. 

"What have I done?" she asked, not really loud, but not too bad. "What have I done?" she asked in her normal voice. "What have I done?" she yelled tears soaking her face. "What have I done?" she whispered and cried even more into her knees. Black covered my eyes, and my body went limp. 

Oh, I wonder what happened to Egon and what Natalie did. So how you guys liking the book so far? I think it is pretty fun. Now it's not going to be too long, but still going to be at least over fifteen. Let me know what you think happened, and did Natalie chose Egon or Ellis? Peace out my Stars! 

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