11: Waking Up

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"Is she going to be okay?" Louis asked me. Once Nat fainted we brought her straight to the firehouse. She's been gone from home for too long, and I could treat the wounds she had here. I was just finishing. 

"Yes," I answered. "She was just tired, that's all. She's been out for a while so she will be up soon." 

"I hope so," Janine put in. She walked over and wrapped her arms around me. "I'm so glad you saved her Egon."  

"I'm glad I saved her also," I agreed. She started to moan and she looked up at all of us, almost like she didn't believe we were here. 

"Is this another one of Ligen's visons?" she asked looking at every single one of us. I smiled and took her hand. 

"Ligen is dead," I answered. "I killed him. He won't bother you anymore, I promise. He can't even if he wanted to. You're safe now Natalie. I saved you." 

"Thank you," she cried wrapping her arms around me. I pulled her to me even more, so glad that I had my twin sister back. She felt cold against my skin, almost like it was made with ice. 

"I missed you so much," I whispered in her ear. "I missed you so much. Don't ever think to do anything like that again." 

"I won't," she whispered back. "I promise." 

"Natalie," Louis said happily. She smiled and I stepped out of the way for the two. She hugged him tightly, then kissed him. They looked so happy to have each other, Natalie's ring shinging in the light. "I missed you." 

"I think I missed you more then Egon," she laughed. Everyone laughed with them, including me. 

"Jee, that's saying a lot Nat. Are you still up to marrying me or did that change?" 

"Like hell it changed! I'm still up to being Dr. Natalie Tully." 

"Good. It sounds right to me." 

"Sounds right to me too." 

"Can Venkman get a hug?" Peter asked her, holding his arms out. Natalie laughed. 

"Of course Venkman can get a hug!" she told him. "So can Stanz, Melnitz, and Zeddemore." 

"Good," Ray said hugging her. Janine and Winston did also. 

"We've missed you so much Natalie," Winston told her. "It hasn't been the some without you. No one is around to make chemicals or dance like a crazy person when she thinks she is alone." 

"Hey!" she cried glaring at us. "You all didn't leave the other night?" 

"We stayed right here," I told her and she looked like she was going to hit every single one of us. She might have if Louis wasn't holding her hands in his own. Thank God for Louis. I didn't want to get hit. 

"I don't dance badly!" she mumbled. 

"Yes you do," Janine told her. Just then she received a green, slobbery, slimy kiss. She groaned adn whipped it off. 

"Slimer! I might have been better off in the book." 

"Don't you even say that!" Ray snapped at her. She held up her hands like we were going to attack her or something. 

"Sorry," she sighed. "So how did you get rid of Ligen?" 

"The answer was simple," I answered her. "I was the answer. If I fought him and showed him something that I made out of love, then he would be destroyed. But first I had to fight till I reached the back of his head and get him to my size. It was pretty hard." 

"What was it you showed him?" 

"I showed him this," I told her holding up the music box. Her eyes grew wide has she took the box from my hands. She looked it over and opened it, listening to the song. "I'm sorry it took me so long to get this to you." 

"Egon," she sighed. "It's beautiful. Thank you so much." 

"For the box?" 

"For everything. You saved my life so many times. You've freed me from this book that I thought I was never going to get out of. You made me this wonderful gift. I don't think anyone else has a better brother then I do." 

"I don't think anyone has a better sister then I have." 

"Egon, I'm glad I don't have to go back in the book. Ever again." 

"I'm glad too. I don't know what I would do if you had to stay in that book forever. Ellis!" 

"What about Ellis?" Natalie asked, not seeing him walk up towards her. He placed his hands on her shoulder and she beamed up at him. "Ellis!" 

"Hi little sister," he told her. They hugged for a few minutes. "I'm glad to see you." 

"I'm so sorry I had to do that to you!" she cried into his chest. It still hurt her. Ligen hurt in a way that would last all her life. She would never forget that she was forced to kill her older brother, just like I will never forget what I saw in Ligen's world. 

"It's okay Nat," he told her wiping her tears. "I'm fine, see? I'm fine. Don't cry Natalie, don't cry." 

"But I-I k-killed you!" she sobbed. The others just looked at her, and I gave them a look that told them that she was the reason Ellis was but in the hospital. They didn't say anything. 

"Natalie, I'm not dead. Please stop crying. I can't stand to see you this way." 

"I-I'm so-sorry," she said wiping her tears. I sat down and placed my hand and she looked up. 

"He's fine," I told her. "It wasn't your fault to began with. Don't beat yourself up about it." 

"Alright," she said and smiled. "I'm just glad Ligen is gone." 

A bright filed the room, making me blink. I looked up and saw the woman from a few night ago, Cora, standing there. She looked upset about something, and she walked over. 

"He's not totally gone!" she said putting her hands on Peter's shoulder. 

"Who are you?" he asked looking at her. Again Peter was taking hold by a woman he didn't even know. 

"And whose not gone?" Ray asked. 

"I'm Cora Stone and Ligen is not gone! His body was destroyed but his spirit was not. Egon, he's said that when he returns to Earth for a new body next year that it will be your body he uses! He's going to us your body for his own purposes Egon, and there will be nothing you can do but watch. I came to warn you Egon." 

"A year?" I asked. "He's not gone? Wait, Cora, I have so many questions!" 

"I cannot answer them Egon. Just stay alert and don't let Ligen use you!" In another flash of light she was gone. 

"Oh Egon!" Natalie yelled and wrapped her arms around me. "This is all my fault. I should have never opened that damn book you wouldn't be in danger. I'm so sorry." 

"It's fine," I said uncertain what to say. "I'll be fine. I promise." 

"Can I go to sleep?" she asked more then likely not wanting to talk to anyone. We all agreed and we left her alone. I wasn't sure when I was going to be used, but all I knew was that Ligen was going to make me do, but I did know that he was going to make me watch my sister die. All by my hands. 

Isn't that an interesting turn of events. So guys, this was the last chapter of the Final Battle. Yep, I said screw it I want to go back to RG, so I am! New chapter of that will be posted later. It will be two certain people getting married ;) Hehe, I hope you all like this book, I'm probably going to make another one of these books to tell what's going to happen in a year. No it won't be a year long wait for it. A few months at least. This chapter goes to the person who gave me the idea for the ending! Peace out my Stars! 

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