chapter 1

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"Yugyeom and Bambam! You're late! How often do I have to give you detention so you are here on time?" the teacher sighed and massaged his temples. "As you can see we have a new student, so sit down and pay attention". The teacher then nodded at me to continue. Breathing once in and out to calm myself I started to introduce myself. "Hi, my Name is Graze and I just got 16 years old last week. I was spending my last year in America so I hope you will help me settle in since I just got back. Please treat me well." I slightly bowed at the end and the teacher smiled at me so I politely returned it not wanting to be seen as a rude girl. "Nice to have you here. There's only one empty seat next to Yugyeom. You should know who he is since he interrupted your introduction". I bowed the second time before making my way to my seat, feeling all the girl's glares on me as I walk past them. Once I sat down my seatmate turned around smirking which gave me the creeps. Why would he smirk at me? Okay...this just got awkward. I avoided his gaze and tried to focus on the teacher but gave up when he started to poke me with his pencil. Confused and scared I tilted my head. " you need something? there some-something on my face?"  He chuckled and shook his head. "No, just wanted to introduce myself before you get to know me b the rumours. I'm Kim Yugyeom as you probably already know. Oh, I'm also the king or ruler of this school so you better look out and don't anger me. And don't fall in love with me. I won't like a kid like you anyway" I scoffed but nodded not wanting to make him mad and focused on the teacher. When I took notes I got uncomfortable as I felt being watched. What the hell? I looked around but couldn't find anyone suspicious. Maybe I'm just too nervous and scared. As long as I won't get too much attention past won't redeem itself. I ignored the eyes burning into my skin and waited until the bell finally rang. Finally! A big ass smile crept its way on my face and other students probably stared at me weirdly. I stormed out of my class and searched for someone important. My older twin brother Jeon Jungkook. 2b..2c..2d! There it was. I actually just got back yesterday. My parents picked me up from the airport late in the night so my twin had no idea I'm back in Korea. Fortunately, his back was faced to me so I could unnoticed go closer to him. Before he could turn around I jumped on his back. Suprised he grabbed my leg that crossed around his waist so I wouldn't fall off as I put my arms around his neck. I buried my head in his neck and stayed still for a moment. Now that I see him again I notice how long a year actually was. THe tears that I tried so hard to hold in now keep flowing. After awhile I calmed down enough to speak. "Knock Knock" He definitely knows who I am by now. He chuckled before asking "Who's there?" I giggled and answered, "Me". He titled playfully his head. "Me who?" "Me you". Jungkook gently put me down before he turned around and hugged me tightly. "Gosh, I missed you so much!" He pulled me even closer, my face pressed against his chest. Even though he is tall, I'm a bit shorter than an average girl. " the brother moment here... but big you and little me. I can't breathe..." He laughed and let go of me before spinning me around. "Geez, you got so big! Aish, why did you leave. I know it was hard for you and you just wanted to get away from here but it was so lonely...what am I saying." he shook his head. "I'm so sorry. You wouldn't have to go to America if I would have properly protected you. It's all my fault." I shook my head now cupping his cheeks in my hands. "No, it isn't your fault. I was just a weak girl and I just needed some time and space. At least I'm back now." He smiled making me smile too. "Well, I'm sad since we're not in the same class but let's eat together in the lunch break. How does that sound?" I agreed since I still haven't made any friends, not that I expected it. I waved to him before heading back to my classroom. But before I could open the door someone tackled me from the side into a big bear hug. "Oh my god! Graze! You're back! I've missed you so much! Why didn't you tell me you were leaving?" I smiled when I recognized the voice and just as I assumed, there was Suzy lying on me. "Suzy! I missed you too! I'm sorry for not telling you but could you let me go?" She laughed and got up and reached out her hand. I took it and brushed my uniform off. "I know you want to hear why I was gone, what has happened in America and so on but 1. the break ends in like 2 minutes and 2. it wasn't that long". I said knowing already what she wanted to ask before opening her mouth. "Not that long?! It's been a whole freaking year! What was I supposed to do without my bestie?" I giggled and gave her a hug while she pouted. She turned her back to me and pretend to be mad but I knew what to do. "Hey...Suzy. If you stop ignoring me I will treat you to ice cream". Not even seconds have passed and she faced me smiling brightly, her eyes sparkling which made me laugh at how good I know her. "Ok, then. But you will tell me everything!" I nodded assuring her and then we entered the classroom which we shared. At least one person I know and trust is here in my class. The bell rang and the English teacher walked in.  "Good morning class! I hear we have a new student. Who was last year spending in America. What a coincidence. Do you want to tell something about yourself in English? I'm sure you'll do great!" I stood up bowing to him and nervously smiled. "So as you already know my name is Graze and I'm 16. I have an older sibling. My twin brother is Jungkook from 2d-" I heard a lot of gasps and most of the girls' eyes were widened. He must be popular. But what caught my interest was when Yugyeom shot me a death glare. I don't even know why but I hate it. It reminds me of what I wanted to forget. The reason why I left. The truth is I got bullied. I don't even know why. I didn't do anything wrong. At least I think so. I told my brother but even he couldn't do. When I couldn't take it anymore my our parents decided for me to switch schools and to go to Kookie's. But I needed time to let my heart heal. I know, it was just bullying you didn't die but it was really hard. Even more when the boy I liked and always helped me to get through it suddenly turned against me and disappeared. So yeah, the cowardly and weak me had to take a break from everything and ran away. I do know that it won't probably happen again but I still fear my classmates. And that's exactly why I need to keep away from yugyeom. Maybe he dislikes my twin because he has a few fans or something happened between them. Even so, I won't interfere between them. I snapped out of my thoughts and continued. "I like to read and also to bake. I'm also average at sports but I'm passionate in baseball because I often played it with my twin when we were young." I sat down and the teacher nodded smiling  before he opened his textbook and gave us a few exercises to do.

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