Chapter 4

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It was the first period and I was chatting with Suzy. "So what happened after you went ho-" she was cut off by the teacher who entered the classroom. "Good morning class. I have some news so please listen up." The students stopped talking and turned to him. "So as you know it's time for our sport festival. The classes will fight each other and you will pick a number. As always you will have a partner with the same numbers. Females and males aren't separated. Oh, you also cannot change your partner since it is also about teamwork. This is everything. I will call your name so please stand up and chose." I looked over to Suzy and she smiled crossing her fingers. "I hope we are partners" she mouthed I nodded and stood up when I heard my name. I walked to the teacher and grabbed a random paper walking back while unfolding it. 15... I looked around and saw a few students looking for their partners. "Um does anyone has the number 15?" I half shouted. Nobody answered so I sat down. Maybe it's better to wait. Suddenly yugyeom turned around and smirked waving his paper. Shit..his number was 15. "I guess we are partners" I faintly smiled and then turned away. Sure it was fun yesterday but I would prefer to stay away from them. The bell rang and I grabbed my bag heading outside when I felt someone jump on my back. "Ufff, Suzy. You're so heavy!" I heard someone scoff and then chuckle. But it wasn't her. "Yah! I'm not a girl you dumbie." "Jesus, you almost gave me a heart attack, oppa" He giggled and kicked me with his legs. I began to walk to the cafeteria knowing he won't get off. As we entered I noticed some girls glared at me. This just got really uncomfortable. I walked over to an empty table and stopped waiting for jungkook to jump down. "Umm, Kookie? Why aren't you moving?" I turned to him and he evilly grinned. "Why do I have to. This is your punishment for telling our parents. I'm not gonna leave you alone until class starts." I sighed and stopped supporting him and got something to eat for us. When I sat down again I saw Suzy walking to us. "Graze why did you leave so fast? I was-" she then looked confused to jungkook before bursting into laughter. "Hahaha, you look so funny. Jungkook reminds me of a koala. Wait here for me, I'm gonna get something to eat." I just nodded and started to eat. "Graze, feed me! I'm hungry" H whined and I laughed before handing him an apple. I was focused on not spilling the soup when a girl came up to us and slapped me hard. Shocked I looked up and Jungkook stood up. "What the hell do you think you're doing eunji?!" She smirked before answering. "Oppa~ How dare she to feed you. Doesn't she know you have a girlfriend already? She's such a bitch. Stealing other men." My eyes widen before I began to laugh. She looked taken aback and tilted her head. "Um, eunji was it? I'm graze his younger twin sister. I'm sorry it seemed like we are a couple but we are just really close." Her eyes widen and her jaw almost touches the ground when it dropped open. She quickly looked at Jungkook. "I-I'm so so s-sorry... I didn't know that she was your sis. Please forgive me for my rude behavior." She bowed to me and I could sense that Jungkook was still angry but I patted his back to let him know to calm down. "Don't worry it's okay. Do you wanna eat with us?" She smiled before grabbing my arm and surprisingly hugging me. "Thank you for understanding. I'd love to. Oh, can I call you unnie?" I giggled and nodded. I understood why Jungkook likes her. She'S really adorable. He sat back down and took my chin in his hand inspecting my cheek. "Does it hurt much? We can go to the nurse room." I shook my head no. "It's ok. It isn't that bad." He hesitantly let go and Suzy came back. She squeaked when she saw my face and asked:"omg, what happened to your cheek it's red." I explained to her and at first, she death glared eunji so I changed the subject. "So who are your partners?" Eunji smiled before clinging to jungkook. "My bestie Momo. You would like her. She is soo funny. Oh! What about you oppa? Is it a girl?" He chuckled before declining. "No, it's taehyung. Even if it would have been a girl you shouldn't worry. I would never cheat on you." She grinned happily and pecked him before concentrating on the food. Right now I am really enjoying her life. A few friends, good grades, and a caring family. That's all I ever wanted but little did I know that the schools bad boy wouldn't let it leave like that. "Hey, here has some soda." I looked up and saw him evilly grinning. Why is he giving off such a bad aura? Something isn't right and I don't like it. But what would he do if I don't accept? I cautiously take it and fake smiled. "Thank you?" He winked and walked off saying. "You're welcome" I glance to the others. They just shrugged so I opened it. I let out a little shout and tightly closed my eyes as the soda stream targets my face and clothes. When it stopped I looked down and saw that literally, everything was wet. I gasped and everyone who noticed it laughed. Except for the ones on my table. Jungkook jumped up and smacked the table, his face as red as a tomato. I never saw him that mad. No, he was furious. He stomped over to Bambam and the others grabbing yugyeom's collar. "The hell do you think you're doing to my sister you asshole? Re you really this low? Now that I am popular you get jealous and bully my sister to get me back. You're such a coward." I stood up and tried to hold him back before anything happens. "Yah, forget it oppa. I don't wanna draw even more attention." He was still tensed but I could feel him at least a little relax. "You should be glad I let it slide. If I ever catch you again even looking at her you're dead" Jackson scoffed before pushing Jungkook. He raised an eyebrow. "He only gave her his drink. It isn't his fault she shook it too much. Why are you even so protective over her? Just sit down and eat that shit" Now Bambam also stood up and leaned his arms on yugyeom's shoulder. I found his eyes and I saw something in them I couldn't understand. I was lost in my thoughts when Jungkook pulled me away. We went to oppa's locker and he gave me his sweater and basketball shorts. I changed in the bathroom and came back. It was way too big but I didn't have anything else right now so I just had to deal with it.

Later that evening my mother asked me to go to get some groceries. "Sure, no problem." She smiled and caressed my cheek. "Be careful and don't follow any strangers!" "I will be right back, don't worry." I waved before stepping outside. I plugged in my earphones and let everything sink in. I entered the store and greeted the aunt who is the owner. "Omo is that you grace? You're so grown up now. Look at you, you beautiful young woman." I giggled before thanking her and searching for the food I need. When I got everything I walked to her. "No! You can't let me have this for free. Please let me pay~" I whined as she didn't let me. She chuckled before shaking her head no. "You always helped me if I needed some so just let me pay you back." I gave up and waved before going outside. It was really dark and I shivered when I realized how cold it actually is. Maybe I shouldn't have just worn my shorts and a tank top. Yup, bad idea. Well, now I can't do anything but to quickly head home. I was walking down a lonely alley when I heard footsteps and someone chuckles behind me. My eyes widen and I fasten my pace but it didn't stop him from following me. I don't know why but the figure/man who was following me seemed so familiar. When I felt him come closer I started to run. Panting I still couldn't lose him. The panic rose up in me and my breath wasn't regularly by now. Memories keep flashing back to that day just like today. I was running but not by some creepy guy but my classmates, my bullies. "Yah! Graze stop." I stopped shocked that he knew my name. I turned around and saw him staring at me with widened eyes and his mouth open. He was screaming something but the only thing I could hear was the car crashing into me. Just my bad luck being so dumb and standing in the middle of the road. I felt someone take me in his arms and yell at me not to close my eyes. I look up and smile seeing my hero and childhood friend. But it turned into a frown when I remembered what he did to me. My eyes closed and I felt how I blacked out. "How could you..."

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