Chapter 2

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"Aaaaaaahhhh" my eyes shot open and I jumped up feeling myself drenched in icy cold water. What the heck?!, he didn't...did he? My eyes snapped to Jungkook who held his stomach in laughter as he rolled on the floor. How dare he? I stood up and felt the water run down my pijama and body. "What the heck! Oppa, why do you have to wake me up like this?" I looked at my clock. 8:03...Saturday "Hahaha I'm sorry, but i just had to" I shot him my death glare and he smiled innocently at me. "You will regret this" I ran to him and he gulped and tried to dodgers my attack but he was to slow. I huged him tightly and he squeaked giggling because of the icy water. I tickled him and he pushed me off with all his strength that he had left. He stood up and sprinted to the kitchen. He won't escape. He can run but he can't hide. A creepy smirk made its was up to my face and i followed him. I entered the kitchen and got greeted by my parents. My father looked up from the newspaper and smiled, nodding at me. "Good morning, darling. Did you sleep well?" He ruffled my hair and I cheekily grinned kissing him on the cheek. His eyebrows furrowed and he frowned. "Why are you so wet? Jeon Jungkook! What did you do to your sister?" #runwhenyourparentscallyoubyyourfullname
Jungkook stopped hiding behind mom and scratched his neck. Now mom also looked up from her phone and her eyes widen as she gasped. "Omo you're totally drenched. What did you do?" Thanks, I also noticed it. She turned to jungkook and I laughed. Now he's gonna get punished. "Appa~ oppa threw icy cold water on me to wake me up." I faked whined and smirked. Jungkook glance at me pleading with his eyes. Please help me. I will do everything for you just save me from dad. I literally could hear him say it. Maybe because we were twins we understood us so well. Sorry, but it's your fault. I told you you'll regret it. "Aish, jungkook. Not even a day passed after grace is here and you act like a baby. You know what it means...1 week without computer games" ouch! Jungkook loves playing and does it almost everyday. His eyes widen and he fell on his knees begging. "Appa! No, Sir! Please don't do this to me. It was just supposed to be a joke, a prank. Please I won't do it again" he pleaded. Our dad sighed and shoed him away signaling him he forgave him. Jungkook grinned and hugged dad. "Well, since it is cleared now. Go eat breakfast. Your dad and I will go to a brunch with our friends. We will probably return in the afternoon. Remember no parties and no doing dangerous things!" Mom warned us and we nodded. I took a seat infront of dad and Jungkook sat down beside me. Pancakes! Our favorite! Jungkook and I glanced at each other now showing our famous bunny smile an dug in. "Mmmm, omma this is so good!" I complimented her. This is heaven. Sadly i finished in the next minutes and stared at my now enpty plate pouting. I heard Jungkook moan and saw that he still had 1 left. Hehehehehe... "Oppa, what is that?" I pointed somewhere behind him and he turned around. Now's my chance. I took his pancake and stuffed it in my mouth. Jungkook turned around confused. "What do you mean? There's nothing the-" he stopped talking when he realized it.. He  glanced at his plate, then to me, back to his plate and then again to me. "Yah! How dare you steal your oppa's breakfast! Give it back" he pinched my cheeks and I pushed him away. "Whut arm yun duim? Stob it" In other words what are you doing? Stop it. But since my mouth was filled with this delicious and amazing pancake it didn't sound like I wanted. I heard our parents chuckle and shake their head mumbling "kids these days" I finally shook him off and went to the bathroom cleaning myself.

After I showered and wore an outfit I stepped outside. Ah, this is nice. I took a deep breath in and out. I watched some neighbours crossing the street or walking the door when someone stood next to me. "Hi, nice weather" I nodded. What was his name? Youngjae? He smiled and chuckled. "Am I cute?" Oops... I stared at him unintentionally. I awkwardly smiled back. "A bit" suddenly he reached out and ruffled my hair. I jumped a but since I didn't expect him to do that. He seems quite nice.... "Yah! Yongjae, why didn't you eat your veggies?" Someone shouted from his house. His eyes widened and he shuddered before running off. He waved and I watched how a tall guy ran after him squealing and laughing holding a ...cucumber in his hand? Wow, they're really weird. I shrugged it off and went back in. "Oh! I wanted to tell you that I'm gonna meet with some friends so I'll be back at afternoon." He put on his shoes and kissed me on my cheeck before he disappeared. Hmmm now that I'm alone what to do? Maybe suzy has time. I also owe her ice cream. I walked to my room and got my phone which I left on my soft bed. I waited and listen it ring..."suzy? It's me, grace. I wanted to ask if you want to go eat ice cre-" i held my phone far away from my ear when she screamed: "Yeaaaaaah! Why do you even ask. Let's meet in 20 minutes at our favorite cafe in the mall. Bye!" She hung up...typical her, she never waits for me to answer. I packed my handbag and walked to the mall.

"Grace! Here you are, I'm sorry you had to wait so long." Suzy was panting and apologetic smiled. "It's okay. Let's go" I reassured her and we entered the cae. It really is cute. A lovely and flowerlike style. It was made for fragile and quiet teenage girls and that's why i love it. No mean girls or boys here. Just a harmonious comfortable place. I grinned brightly and we sat down on our usually table. "Ah, I missed us being here together and having our small talk" she sighed and leaned back sinking into te soft and comfy chair. I giggled at her cuteness but couldn't agree more. It feels great to be back. A waiter came and we didn't have to order since he recognized us and knew already what we liked. He was really kind and gentlemanly. Why can't boys be like him? I snapped out my thoughts and focused on suzy who was talking about the newest trends and celebrity news. I'm not te type to stan those idols but i pretend to be interested when i caught 3 familier boys walking in. No way... Why are they here? Why do they always appear wherever I am. I turned the other way hoping they wouldn't notice me. But like always I didn't have so much luck. I guess god dislikes me. "Omo, aren't you y/n?"  I shook my head no still not looking at them and trying to hide. Why isn't suzy doing anything? Help meeee! "But you're really look like her...Hey! Yugyeom! I think you're new girlfriend is here!" What did he say. "I'm not his girlfriend!" I stood up and hit the table. Shit... Jackson grinned and stuck his tongue out. "What are you talking about, hyung?" I glanced at Yugyeom amd he stared confused at Jackson until he noticed me. His frown turned into a smirk. "Oh, what are you doing here? Aren't you lonely by yourself?" Huh? What does he mean? "Why am I alone. I am with my friend suzy. Don't you see her? She's right her-" my eyes widen and my jaw dropped. Is she serious? How dare she sneak out when I need her?! I felt a hand on my forehead and turned to its owner. "Are you okay? Maybe you're hallucinating because you're so lonely." I pouted and crossed my arm. "Ani~ she was really here! I'm not lying."  Now bambam was also standing next to them. I tried to make them believe me when they bursted out laughing. This isn't funny!!!  They slowly clamed down and I avoided making eye contact. Before I even realized what was going on I felt strong arms wrap around me and lift me up like I'm a feather. I yelled in suprise and found myseld on Yugyeom's shoulders. He carried me like a bag and I struggled to get free but with no use. He definitely was too strong. After a while I gave up and just let him be. I gotta admit his shoulders were really comfortable. I could even fall asleep... I yawned and tried to let y eyes stay open but i guess I really didn't   
sleep enough. "It's okay to sleep a bit if you're tired." I only nodded and felt myself drift off to sleep....

Sorry it took longer than I promised you. I hope you don't hate me. I will try to release the mext chapter as soon as possible.
Love you,

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