2 : commander lexa

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Lexa when you told her you're leaving to go on a hunt with a few others, and she asked quietly if you didn't like her company.

"Lexa I absolutely love your company, its just for today. I'll be back by your side in boring council meetings before you know it" you reassured her pulling her towards you and kissing her softly.

That same day you had gone missing, the hunters you had departed with weren't missing, because they were dead by the time Trikru found them.

So when she receives your sword from the Azgeda messenger who smirked as he left, she knew it was yours because she had it specially forged and crafted.

"What have you done with y/n?" her voice boiled over with anger

"You can't even begin to imagine what queen Nia is doing to her"

F.C x Female!Reader Where stories live. Discover now