20 : waverly earp

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Waverly when she catches you sneaking around the homestead, usually you were more discreet and harder to catch but you were pretty bitter about being the person sent to speak to the Earps. Waverly gulped as you stayed silent, your curiosity filled eyes trailing over her but she didn't miss the smirk you got when your gaze finally met up with her own.

"Who are you and what are you doing here? You aren't a revenant if you're able to get this close, and you aren't from Purgatory" Waverly interrogated you, who listened intently and made her almost jump when you had let out a loud noise of acknowledgment.

"Ah! Is that what you call demons? That's a bit odd but I can roll with it. Also you shouldn't be giving out information like that, I could be incredibly dangerous for all you know" You said all at once making her head spin slightly, Waverly suddenly tightened the grip on her shotgun her aim more precise towards you.

"All I know is that I have a shotgun and could kill you if I wanted to, I may be small but it doesn't mean I'm not dangerous" Waverly threatened, still you stood calm nodding slightly.

"Well yes you have a shotgun pointed at me, a quite large one that could with no doubt rip me to shreds! But you aren't gonna do anything, you're an Earp right?" You brushed her threat off quickly, simultaneously walking closer to her till they end of Waverly's shotgun barrel was being pressed against your chest.

"Yeah I'm an Earp, what's it to you? You still haven't told me who you are"
Waverly adjusted the grip on her shotgun, preparing for any surprise you had in store for her, but all you did was smile widely at her, she tried to calm her hectic thoughts that revolved around you.

"Oh shit sorry its Winchester, Y/N Winchester, my brothers sent me to talk to the Earp who had some revolver called the peacemaker, I think they said? Though I'm hoping you're the one with the revolver, since I wouldn't mind talking to just you" You winked at Waverly who felt a slight blush creep up her neck and to her cheeks, finally dropping her defensive stance she waved you over to follow her.

"If you don't mind me asking, what's your name, I gave you mine its only fair I know yours now, you are already taking me to your house I presume although I usually am used to a drink or two before going to a girls house" You joked at the end with a slight laugh, looking at the girl who walked beside you.

"Waverly Earp" The younger Earp sister spoke with exasperated tone laced in her voice, she guessed you'd be a handful, and although Waverly wouldn't admit it to anyone,

she did think you were incredibly attractive.


The last name Winchester comes from the show Supernatural, so basically you are the sister of Sam and Dean Winchester. Also I didn't really review for mistakes, some I don't check for grammar errors so sorry if there are any.

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