Welcome to the Aqua pearl Awards ^^
1. You have to follow this Account and our main accounts
Ara14Chan)2. You have to tag your book #TheAquaPearl.
3. Your book must be in ENGLISH.(and maybe Arabic too)
4. It has to be your book.
5. Your password is Green-ish blue or blue-ish green.
6. The chapters can't be less than 2.(Including the Prologue and excluding the Author notes)
7. You can ask us any question you have.
8. Comment <3 = </3 if you read the rules.
9. You have to enter with 3 books maximum.
10. Votes, reads and Comments doesn't matter.
11. No rude comments.
12. You can't add two books in the same genre.
13. You can't judge the same genre as your book.
14. Your book's reads must be more than 5k.
The entries are the next part ^^
The Aqua Pearl Awards +5k!!!!
De TodoIt is the same as the Aqua pearl awards but for books that is +5k