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May I just ask myself...


I mean right now I'm just typing random stuff because I'm incredibly bored and decided to do this 'rants' thingy magigy (is magigy even a word? I don't think it is..)

I currently am confirming I got no life, since I accidentally pulled off an all-nighter when I really didn't mean to..

I actually just wanted to finish watching some youtuber's video I haven't watched in over two years... I was curious on what changes happened.

Which also led you to pulling off an all-nighter.


Don't deny it.

Shh-wait, who the hell are you?

I'm you, you idiot.

What? But I'm typing right now..? 

Yes, and you being you, is being sad and typing for yourself since you got nothing else to do.

Aye true, won't argue with that.


Yes I am indeed typing to myself so what? Got a problem with that, me?

No, but the readers who might read this, might.

Well you go ahead and just ask them then.

Why me?

You're me aren't you?

Well yes, but we are the same person.

So? One of us has to do it.

How can there be 'one of us' doing it, when we are one?

Well because your personality and my personality ain't the same.

Are you sure? 




Are you really really sure?


Are you really really really sure?


Are you really really really really into the dead?

Posit-wait what? What the hell?

*shrugs* I didn't do nothing. *raises hands up in surrender*

Ugh, why did I ever decide to make double personalities for this? 

Because we're awesome.

I will not argue with that, because we indeed are awesome. 

You know this song you're listening to is really good, right?

Aye yes, but sadly I'm not really obsessed with this singer like how I used to be before.

True, you seem to change your favourite artists a lot.


Why is it that when I spell the British way for 'favourite' it comes up in red? Now that's just pissing me off, that ain't nice to the letter 'u'.

What if 'u' wanted to be included, eh? You don't have to put a darn red line under the word once 'u' is added. *cue sad face*

You know you're annoying and talking to yourself, right?

Yes yes, I know. 

Plus you're me aren't you? You know how many people I've annoyed in my entire life.

I actually got reported once for my supposedly disturbance in my elementary school class before.

Jeez, does it look like it was my fault that my partner was not helping me? I just simply told him to work how is that annoying someone? 

This world really doesn't make sense anymore...






I'm hungry.


Hey AJ 2?

AJ 2? Really?

What? You're the one who appeared second, so you're number 2.

*rolls eyes* You couldn't just call me AJ?

No, because then we would have two AJ's, and in my opinion I think that everyone is better off with AJ and AJ 2.

It's weird with the number though.

Quit complaining and just stick with it, as it shall be stuck with you till the day we both stop typing this rant thingy magigy.

I don't actually know what I'm quite doing, am I ranting or am I just typing out random stuff that can somehow entertain the readers? I'm not incredibly sure.

Oh ma gosh, I almost fell asleep there, sorry.

I still need to get some sleep in my system but I'm too lazy to sleep...

Is it possible to be 'too lazy to sleep'? 

*shrugs* It could.

I mean think about it this way;

You're first step to being asleep on your bed(that's the best place to sleep) is to change your clothes, and changing your clothes requires a lot of hand word that you need.

Step two, you have to clean your face and what such, also brushing your teeth and what else, just all the necessaries that needed to be done in the morning.

Step three, get your arse on the bed and pull the duvet on you(sounds weird, or if it's too hot just don't put any duvet or blankie).

Step four, close your eyes.

See what I mean when each of these require a lot of energy? I mean look, each one of these you just have to use up some percentage of your battery from your batteries...

What an interesting reference.

Why thank you! I took time to think about that! (No, I didn't it just took me one second).

Ouch, my ears hurt... *cue cringe face* 

I should probably go and try to get some rest before it reaches 9am for me, and that's in like 63minutes (I obviously didn't do any counting).

Okie, I'm done.

Bye bye for now everyone! 

Hope you got a happy enjoyable life.

:) (:



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