Once Again...

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I am here, once again at 4am in the morning typing random stuff.

I just finished watching a movie, then came to a realization that it was already 4am.

And my 21-year-old cousin is awake, probably talking to his girlfriend again...I mean they are always talking at the middle of the night, one time when I was about to knock on his door, they were flirting with each other in a rather-you know what? I'm not gonna explain.

Apparently we're going to Universal studios today (since it's 4am, so it is today), and he expects me to wake up at 7am...that's 3 hours of sleep buddy.

Anywhos (that still ain't a word) I'm thinking of updating my story 'Home Sweet Home' sooner or later, though I'm not sure...I could also possibly write another story since I already got one typed up, and I'm really excited for it.

But I shall be patient and wait for Home Sweet Home to minimum have 8 chapters typed up, (if I do that in less than 3 months, I'll be so proud of myself..) 

So anywhos, I don't really know what else to type, so imma just I don't know, head to bed possibly? 

If I can sleep that is...I mean it's almost impossible for me to sleep nowadays, probably because I've been watching too much YouTube... (what? I gotta watch it while I still can).

227 words...that ain't enough, too short...

You know that it feels like am barely at the house anymore, cause ever since I came here all I have been doing is going to places... Like just yesterday I went to this amusement park called 'Six Flags'...you probably would know it, you probably would not. 

I don't really know if it's that big and famous or not, since I have never heard of it...not until I came here. 

I wasn't able to ride all the rides though, I think because my lack of sleep that's why I got dizzy so easily...usually I don't get dizzy on roller-coasters but I get bored. 

Not weird at all...

And you're back.

I never left.

Great, bloody great.

You know you love me.

In your dreams mate. 

Technically we share the same dreams, since we are the same person you know.

Can you not be a smartarse at yourself? 


Why not?

Because annoying I'm annoying you to show you the way you go 'technicals' on other people.

O'really? When?

What's up?

The sky-wait, really now?

Incorrect, it's the ceiling. *smiles sarcastically* 


You know it.

Now I may not get 3 hours of sleep but 2 hours something of it, yay! 

More lack of sleep the better! 

Totally no sarcasm right there.


Who the faq says that anymore? 

*shrugs* I just wanted to say something random.

You're weird.

You too.

You done yet? 

Yea...I think so. 

Okie, then...GO TO SLEEP!

Yes sir, no sir.

*rolls eyes*



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