Chapter 4

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Naera POV


i called her to get his attention.

"You don't have to got to school tomorrow" she quickly said. I widened my eyes.

"How did you-" she cut me off

"Look at you! Your ankle is still hurt and those Youngjae guys are going to look for you!" She stated.

"But-" she cut me off again

"You've told your father right?" she stare into my eyes. I was trying to looked away. Avoid her stare. Avoid the eye contact. She sighed "You didn't..didn't you?" she stare into my eyes again.

"I...I.." i was  stuttering. She closed her eyes and i knew that she was angry at me. "Sorry..." that's the only thing i said.

"If you won't do it...then i will!" she said out of blue. She quickly grab my phone and dialed my father's phone number. She putted the phone near on her ears and my eyes widened at he action. I tried to get it but she kept blocking my movements. "Hello?" she said and i stopped.

I was bored. Alone in this big house of friend of mine. I can't walk until my ankle is fine. I can't do anything! "I should do something" I tried to get up and looked out the window. Afraid that bodyguards might find me here. Clear! I grabbed my phone and stare at it.

"Should i tell my father?". The last thing i know, i was waiting for my father to pick up.

"Naera?" he picked up.

"Dad.." i was nervous

"Yes? Are you going home today?" i gulped

"Guess so. Why?" it's weird. Dad usually would mad at me if i'm not home or late.

"So it's true" i started to panic.

"W-what?" i started to stuttering.

"That you were sleeping at your friend's house? i'm sorry that i didn't tell you. I was home early because the meeting ended early." i sigh in relief.

"it's okay" i said to make my father felt okay "so, do you want me to call the bodyguards to pick you up at Sara's house?" my eyes widened.

"How did you know?" he chuckled at the other line

"Sara's father called me. he also told me about your ankle. How did you sprained it?" i gulped

"I...I..fell in while doing some exercise! " i lied. Is that even logic? I mentally hit my self

" careful next time okay?" he advised. I felt guilty for making him worried about me.

"I promised" so i made him a promised but i'm not so sure wether i can keep it or not.

Jimin POV

I stare at the closed gate. Empty road. Waiting for her to comeback. "She is really putting us into trouble!" i stated.

"Hyung..what if..she won't comeback?" Jungkook always asking a negative question whenever he is panic.

"Let's go to her school" i immediately grabbed the key car and Jungkook followed me behind.

"Good idea!" i drove off to her school. On our way their, Jungkook's phone rang. His eyes widened and showed the contact name on it.

"Mr. Kim!" he yelled.

"You don't need to yelled!!" i yelled back

"you too!" he whine. I rolled my eyes.

"What should i do?" he asked with a worried expression.

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