Chapter 17

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Mr.Kim POV

I was on my way towards the office to get some documents that i forgot. I drove the car by myself since i didn't want to wake any of my driver.

As soon as i got the documents, i was ready to head home and rest.

My eyes were heavy, the road blurred a bit because of the heavy rain pouring down the earth. The land were wet due to the rain. Out of nowhere, a bright light heading towards my way and it became bigger. The last thing i remember was, i saw my wife's figure standing in front of me. The sight wasn't clear. She was so bright that i could see her wearing a white beautiful dress.

"Ho..ney?" then i collapsed.

Jungkook POV

I heard the main door of the mansion was being closed so i stood up and went to check.

It was Mr.Kim, he drove off somewhere without a driver. That's weird.

I started to follow from behind as i have this strong of bad feelings. Something bad was going to happen that night.

He went to his company, and got some files about something that i don't know. I felt relief but it was for temporary. I followed him again from behind without being noticed.

Few minutes later, a truck came out of nowhere was heading towards Mr.Kim. My eyes widened as he didn't do anything. He should move away but no, he was still driving forward towards the truck and they both crashed.

I quickly ran towards Mr.Kim and he was already collapsed. I immediately called the ambulance for help while waiting for them, i decide to get Mr.Kim out of the car to ease the help.

The ambulance came 5 minutes late. I already called Jimin hyung and told him what happen, told him to go to the hospital and bring Naera.

I've been waiting in front of the surgery room and still no news about Mr. Kim. Naera and Jimin hasn't showed up yet. The minutes past, finally they arrived.

"What took you so long?" i asked

"Sorry, traffic got jammed" Jimin explained.

"How's my father?" Naera asked worriedly. The look of this poor girl's face reminds me of someone.

"He's still in there. I've been waiting for hours" i stated.

"Jungkook, go home. But before that, how did you know this would happen?" Jimin asked.

"I followed Mr. Kim--" wait. I drive. Without his permission. This is bad. "Sorry, i shouldn't have--"

"So you drive? You followed Mr.Kim from behind, didn't you?" his voice change.

"I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry" i lowered my head

"Good job"

"I know i shouldn't--- wait what?"

"Good job, you can now officially drive but still, ask for my permission"

I smiled but for temporary because it wasn't a good time for celebrating any happiness.

"Thanks, i'll get going. Can i drive? I came here with the car" i asked Jimin

"Go ahead" he smiled then it faded.

Naera POV

We've been waiting in front of surgery room for hours and still, no doctors, surgeon came out from the room. Is my dad on the critical condition? Is it that bad? I freaking worried.

"Hey, Naera" i turned at the source of the voice which was calling me.

"Hyungsik oppa" i quickly ran to him and hugged him tight.

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