Crystal: Crystal

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Life is good in BlueWater Meadow.

Got that? Life is great!

"Mama, Pops, did you hear me? I'm fine, give it a rest."

I skip another rock across the surface of the gigantic lake and can practically feel the look my adoptive parents are giving each other behind me.

As I straighten myself and watch the rock skip a few times, the cool autumn breezes whips my long, silky black hair right into my face. I laugh a little and turn to look at Mama and Pops.

"Guys, it's ok."

I study my bare feet sullenly as I whisper, "I'm sorry I ask you so much. I love you two so very much, you have to believe I do. I just can't help but feel as if... I'm missing something. Ya know?"

I glance back up cautiously at the concerned look on my parents' faces.

"Darling," Mama starts. "Your mother and father were... Well... They love you very much. Always have and always will. But... We are forbidden to talk about the reason why they gave you u-"

"It's not that, I've accepted that," I cut in, more bitterly then I intended.

"Never mind, it probably just comes with being adopted and that's ok. I'm 22. I've got to get over whatever happened years ago that made my parents give me up."

"Crystal, you never have to... 'get over it'," Pops says.

"I'm sorry I brought it up. I'm fine. Really! I'm gonna go see Garnet now ok? I'll see you guys around."

Without really waiting for a reply I wheel around and head off to the one person who makes absolutely everything seem right in the world.

As I stroll down the path, I whip up a few droplets of water into the thin air and then close them into my fist, storing them for when I reach Garnet.

Oh. Yeah.

Pretty much everyone in BlueWater Meadow has some sort of power.

And when I say everyone, well, there are only about fifty people living here.

Anyway, I have power over both water and fire. Fire, I can just shoot out at any given time. Water, well, I have control of all of it in the natural world. But it can only come straight from me if I absorb some into myself first.

Yeah, it's basically a part of me that is just... Kind of there. I can't imagine being me without it even though it seems kinda pointless sometimes.

The kingdom that our town is just outside of decided to give those with magic abilities a special place to grow and bond together. So we could avoid jerks who would tease us or use us because of our abilities. Or something like that.

I mean, I can make an instant fire for you in the winter time but other than that I'm not sure why you'd want to kidnap me and make me your slave.

Glancing at the lake I continue to walk beside, I smile and gather some more water up so I can splash Garnet rather than sprinkle him.

Satisfied with the amount of water I have stored to drench Garnet, I start jogging to get to his cabin.

Once there, I spot him reading in the coziest chair in his house.

"Hey Garnet," I call as innocently as possible.

He looks up from his reading and smiles. "Hey, Crystal!" He sets his book down on the side table and I seize the oppurtunity-and release a waterfall on top of his head.

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