Cyrstal: Trapped

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The entire way across this huge place, I wonder what this lady would do if I bolted. I get close to actually running several times, but then I chicken out.

And then I worry that this Martha lady is dead serious-and that the fate of this entire kingdom and its people is in my hands now... And that's that.

I think of Blossom. How would she handle it if I ran off? She would make a fine queen, wouldn't she? At least a better one than I would?

Perhaps I've forgotten that actually, she'd probably be just as scared as me. And honestly, quite possibly even less emotionally stable than I am.

Which... Is saying something.

To be fair she did just lose the ones who loved and raised her...

My racing thoughts are momentarily interrupted as Martha leads me into a huge library with bookshelves reaching to the ceiling which seems to reach to the sky. A breath catches in my throat as Martha studdenly stops and invites me to sit at a desk the length of a bed....

I cautiously sit down as she makes her way to the other side.

"Your Majesty," she acknowledges me and curtsises slightly before sitting down.

"Crystal... Crystal is fine," I mutter, scratching my head.

She stares at me for a moment.

"Mmmm hmmmm...."

My eyes glance anywhere and everywhere but Martha's face as she shuffles with some papers and begins to speak at me.

"I apologize for the need to have such a formal discusson so soon after what may as well been the most emotional day of your life. But there is a grave matter here and that is our kingdom is without a ruler-"

Yeah, and there's a girl upstairs without her father or mother.

"-and you are the natural heir to the throne. So the future of the kingdom is one we must discuss."

"With all due respect ma'am," I quietly interrupt, "I didn't even remember I was royalty until this morning... I don't know the first thing about ruling."

"No. But you are the natural heir," she repeats as if that eliminates any other problem. "You can claim your title and figure out the details with the head of the castle court."

I bite my lip, still not at all planning to be the next queen of this place. "Um, excuse me but how does that have the kingdom's best intentions in mind? What do the people believe about me anyway? Do they think I've been here all these years?"

"That is an excellent question. One that I don't have the answer to right now, but one I'm sure the Department of the People's Voice will bring up soon."

The Depertament of the... What?

"Ok, but again... What good comes of me ascending the throne?"

"If we put the natural heir in place as quickly as possible-after the appropriate time of grieving of course-then we won't appear vulnerable to other kingdoms or possible enemies."

I finally get my eyes ro rest on Martha and I start to study her quietly. Something in the pit of my stomach isn't sitting right. I can't tell if Martha is rubbing me the wrong way or if I'm just confused as all heck about what is happening. Either way, I don't like it.

"Enemies?" I repeat, squirming. "There's been peace between NewHaven and surrounding countries for longer than I've been alive, has there not?"

Martha sighs, starting to sound annoyed by my questions. "Well ma'am your father fought all his wars behind closed doors, with pen and paper. He made alliances with enemies. He practically forced them into deals in order to keep the peace-and protect his family."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2017 ⏰

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