Blossom: Blossom

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It's like something out of an old movie, tonight is.

Something's off, something's off, something's off....

Never in my life have I felt this anxious. I've had days where I feel kinda empty... As if I'm a puzzle and I'm missing a couple pieces. But I always brushed it off as a feeling everyone experiences. But tonight it's intense. It's really intense. And I don't know what to do.

So, I'm running around the palace in a pair of new jeans and a pink shirt, looking for Anthony. My big blonde curls bounce on my shoulders as my mind races just about as fast as the rain pounding down on the kingdom.

I don't even realize how fast I'm walking until I practically smack into Anthony while going around a corner.

Of course I wasn't expecting to find him roaming the halls at 1:30 in the morning.

"Whoa there, birthday girl calm down!" he teases.

His freckles srunch together when he laughs and get closer to his big brown eyes.

I snort and lick my teeth awkardly. Anthony plants a short, sweet kiss on my lips and chuckes again. Then he pulls a hand through his big mop of deep brown hair and eyes me curiously

"Where are you off to in such a hurry?"

"I was looking for you!" I reply. "What are you doing up?"

He shrugs. "Couldn't sleep."

I make a mental note to further question him later. And then I get straight to my point.

Pulling him closer to me, I whisper, "I wanna get out of here."

Anthony raises his eyebrows and smirks a little. "Ah, hey princess, you live in a castle. Also its pouring outside, not to mention the middle of the night. Why would you need to 'get out of here?'"

I close my eyes, sigh and take a step back. "Don't call me princess, please."

His eyes lose their mischievous glint and his eyebrows head down his face now.

"You ok?"

No. Truth is, I feel like I might be going insane.

"Yeah it's just... I'm nineteen now. In two years, I'm supposed to be prepared to be a... queen," I say.

Anthony purses his lips. "Blossom, hon, you 'come of age' but you won't have to take over the throne until your parents are too old to. So unless, God forbid, something tragic happens, you're fine."

Yeah but I've... I've just got a bad feeling...

I swallow the lump in my throat and nod. Yeesh I am going crazy.

"I know."

Anthony's concerned gaze bores into my skull as I stare at my feet and take deep breathes.

The sound of the castle doorbell echoing against the old walls makes me jump in my skin but at least it makes Tony look away from me.

"I should probably get that," I mumble.

"Blossom, you have butlers up 24/7," he chuckles.

I breath in deeply though my nose and face him full on again. "I kinda hate that. We can answer our own silly door."

He laughs again. "You're cute."

I roll my eyes playfully and almost forget about the hollow pit feeling in my stomach.

"Hey, at least your parents decided to ditch the secret service idea for you, right?"

"They still don't let me leave the castle alone," I point out. "They just don't call it 'secret service.'"

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