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For the first time in a while, Hermione Granger saw an owl with a letter.

Perhaps for the 7th year at Hogwarts, she thought.

As she went outside to pick up the letter, it wasn't signed from Hogwarts. In fact, it was signed from Foresta Perkus,

Hermione studied the paper. The crest was 4 wizards in the forest, one with a robe sitting on a tree branch, one with a black suit sitting on the floor, one with regular clothes sleeping in a tree and one with armour about to enter the woods.

Underneath it, was the Hogwarts symbol and said, made by Hogwarts.

She tore open the letter, and it was addressed to Miss Granger,

Dear Miss Hermione Granger
We are pleased to inform you that Hogwarts has been building a camp for a select bunch of witches and wizards all over the world, but due to the recent events we were unable to fulfill our duties, but now the dark times are over and we have successfully opened the camp known as, Foresta Perkus, which is a camp that will help you experience the wilderness, meet wizards from all over the world and talk to some famous known ones, especially auroras and learn how to defend yourself from anything.

But for you Miss Granger, we ask you, Harry Potter, and Ron Weasley to help be the leader considering you have the experience. You will also work alongside Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood and Ginny and Fred Weasley. Please respond immediately when you receive this letter. Thank you,

Sincerely signed,

Minerva McGonagall- headmistress of Hogwarts
Madame Maxine- headmistress of  Beauxbatons
Florine Bancroft- head auror

Hermione thought for a second, she wouldn't mind a summer job, after all.

A owl came flying in through Draco's window and he tried to swat it away,

"No more Hogwarts for me." He says snatching the envelope out of the birds beak. But he quickly noticed this was no Hogwarts,

"What type of joke is this?"

Foresta Perkus he wondered. He signed tearing the envelope open and reading it hesitantly,

He found the same letter as Hermione (minus the bottom part of the letter asking her to help) and informed him he was selected to participate.

Draco turned to his friends house elf,

"A camp?"

"A camp for selected wizards, and you were chosen Draco," the house elf replied

"Who else will be there?"

"I hear that that the muggle lovers will be there, including muggle born Hermione Granger."

Draco pondered,

Hm, maybe something could go right,

//note that in this book Draco didn't go completely good yet, but he is somewhat good, and will be nicer//

Camping with Malfoy (Harry potter dramione fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now