Chapter 1

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°(You're going to have a female friend in this story that you get to name! :D That's a first for one of my stories. If you don't want a female friend, you can easily replace every female pronouns for male ones. Enjoy~!)°


"Did you really do that for me?" I asked, trying to hold in my excitement. My best friend (friend's/name) had been working at Pax for a few years now, and I had always said I would kill for a chance to have the same job. Here she was, telling me to fill out a job application for Pax that she got for me. It's supposedly for a special position that certain people get the chance to have.

"You owe me dinner though!" she laughed as I handed her the application I finished filling out.

"Fine, but I pick where we go," I replied.

"Deal," she said as she stood up from my couch. I went into my kitchen and grabbed my car keys from the counter.

"Just don't pick someplace that sucks please," she spoke from behind me as we left my apartment.

The LA summer heat smacked us in the face as soon as we left the apartment complex. It was hotter than per usual, so we quickly made our way to the car.

"Let's go to (restaurant of choice)," I said as I started the car.

"Oh! I'm fine with that!" (f/n) cheerfully exclaimed.

We drove down to the restaurant and had an amazing lunch together. Afterwards, we decided to walk along the beach. It was a nice day, and it would be a shame if we didn't do something.

As we walked along the beach, we talked about Pax once more.

"What will you be most excited about while working there?" (f/n) asked.

"The YouTubers," I replied without hesitation. She laughed my quick reply.

"Figures, I should've known that would be your answer," she stopped to look at the ocean. It touched the horizon far in the distance, and a light mist made the horizon only slightly visible.

"Have you met any YouTubers while working at Pax?" I asked, realizing I had never asked that before.

"Of course I have," she said without looking back at me.

"Lucky," I mumbled, feeling slightly jealous. (F/n) turned around to face me after a moment of staring at the sea in silence.

"We should go home. I have a shift at the Cafe in an hour," she said as she began to walk back to where we parked.

I dropped (f/n) off at her apartment, and I drove back to my place. I flopped down on my bed, exhausted. As I stared up at the ceiling, I couldn't help but think about working at Pax. Though I haven't been accepted for the job yet, it was hard to contain my excitement.

I crossed my fingers and closed my eyes, praying to every god I could think of and hoping for the best. I ended up dozing off as I hoped and prayed for the job at Pax.

(MiniLaddxReader) Am I Dreaming? °Complete°Where stories live. Discover now