S E V E N: What about this?

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Alec helps me get out of the back of Simon's ugly looking van as we had just gotten to The Silent Brothers land. "Yea, this place isn't creepy. Not at all" Simon breaks the quietness that lasted the whole ride there, "Ha, don't tell me your afraid." I replied crossing my arms and looking over at him, "Are you kidding me? I was born afraid-" I give him a weird look, "-which sounded a lot better in my head." Simon finishes. "Let's check it out." Alec says as he pulls my arm along with him, we walk ahead of everyone else scoping out the place to make sure no one else is here. Alec stops walking, he turns around getting in Jace's face, "Hey, something goes wrong, if something happens to her, that's on us you know that don't you?", "And you know exactly what would happen if Valentine gets the cup before we do.-" Jace looks over at Clary, "-She's lost everything Alec. I know exactly what that feels like. What's your problem with her anyway? Your family always used to welcome strays." He finishes, "You were never a stray." Alec cuts in, "The point is nothings changed. We're in this fight together, theres just one more of us.-" I cut Jace off by coughing and fake clearing my throat while scratching me nose, "-Oh sorry, TWO more of us." I smile nodding at him. "Clay come on it's all clear." Jace calls Clary over as Izzy, Alec, and I start walking towards the door of the Silent Brothers cave.

We all stop in front of the door, "I can't do this." Clary says quietly, "Yea you can, your Clary freakin Fray you can do anything." Simon replies comforting his best friend. Simon walks forward, "Alright, hold up" Jace says putting his arm up in front of Simon to stop him from walking into the cave, Simon rolls his eyes looking bad at Jace, "Surprise, surprise, no mundanes allowed. Just like in the training room, right? Wrong. I've seen every horror movie ever made and the funny best friend who gets left behind...dead man.", Clary, Izzy and I giggle quietly at Simons statement. "Your not that funny...but by all means, go ahead.-" Jace says smirking nodding his head towards the gate, Simon starts walking, "-of course the minute you enter you die.", "The problem is, now I don't trust you." Simon says facing back towards us, "He's not lying." Alec replies smugly walking forward with me following behind, "Now.-" Izzy points in, "He was before...-" I spoke up laughing to myself, "-The rune energy in the city of bones will kill any mundane-" I get cut off by Alec, "-who dares to enter, so please..." Alec motions to the gates. "Awe look, they're already finishing each others sentences!-" Izzy says looking towards us with loving eyes but we just glare at her, "-Anyways...the brothers creep me out..I'll mind the mundane." Izzy says walking around us to follow Simon, "Your sacrifice is noted Izzy" Jace says walking away from the group. Me and Alec are still standing by Clary and Simon, "Talk about sacrifice, i'm missing a financial analysis class..." Simon tells Clary but me and Alec could clearly hear him, "I can't be here anymore so, Jace me and Evie are going to mind the perimeter." Alec says gesturing to Simon as to say he's can't be around him anymore, "Yea." I add in looking Simon up and down then start to walk with Alec.

Me and Alec walk in silence, but I decide to break it, I grab Alec's arm pulling it towards me, I see him smile at my action. I felt my stomach flutter at the connection. "So, what do you think of the Clary and the mundane?", "I don't like them. At all. They seem quite annoying and-" I cut him off, "Clingy?" I ask looking up at him, "Ha, yea, exactly. Clingy..." he replies looking forward. "Uh huh.." I say starting to slowly move my hands from his arm, "But! I...I don't mind when you do it." Alec says quickly putting his left hand over one of mines to stop me from breaking the contact, we stop behind a wall. "Oh okay.. so you don't mind if I do this?-" I slide my arms around Alec's abdomen locking my hands together at his back and look up at him, he looks down a me nervously, "-or this?" I unlock my hands pushing him up against the wall and place my hands on his upper chest looking up at him. "N..n..no.." he stutters under my touch, "Mmhmm...okay then..what about this?" I spoke smirking then I crashed my lips against his pushing his more into the wall, I can tell he was shocked but he soon melted into it. My stomach was doing flips and turns at the contact. Alec snaked his arms around my wast pulling me closer to him. I put my arms around his neck then up to his hair pulling it, Alec moaned into the kiss as I did that, I smirked into the kiss. Alec's hands roamed my body for a few more minutes until I pulled back smirking, "We should be getting back, they might be wondering where we went...but we definitely have to do that again.." I say letting go of Alec and fixing my lipstick with my thumb, "Yea definitely.." Alec smiles at me then moves to walk beside me, grabbing my hand. His touch makes me feel alive, like the lonely life I lived was never lonely in the first place. I wanted more.

We get back to where Izzy and Simon were waiting, Izzy is playing with her hair and Simon is warming his hands over a fire, Alec leans against one of the gates and I get in front of him leaning back into him, he wraps his arms around me as Izzy smirks at us. "What have you two been up to?" She asks smugly, "Nothing." we say at the same time, "Uh huh, then you might want to wipe that lipstick off of your lips then Alec...I mean if you were doing nothing?" Izzy replies still smirking, Alec quickly goes to wipe his mouth as I blush as we had just gotten caught.

"So is cracking someones mind open supposed to take this long? Maybe we or you should go check?" Simon says gesturing toward Alec, "Jace has it covered." Alec replies. "Take our word for it...the silent brothers are quite unpleasant." Izzy says in an Izzy way of course, "That's not helping, not at all...-" Simon says looking down at the fire "-What if Clary can't handle the brothers? What does that mean?-" Alec cuts Simon off, "Literally never stops talking..". Simon looks to Izzy asking, "Is he always so charming?", "First born" Izzy replies, "Heavy is the head that wears the crown." I add in. "Ha, feels weird. Only son...My mother wants me to be a CPA..." Simon says, "And you? What do you want?" Izzy asks, "Me?" Izzy nods at the question, "I...I'm in a band." he replies with shyness in his voice, "Yea? What type of music? Wait, let me guess. Indie Rock?" Izzy asks pointing at Simon smiling. "Ha , yea" Simon replies dumfounded, I roll my eyes at they're conversation, "Do you have anything on your phone?" I ask Simon trying to get him far away from us again, "I, I do, we recorded our last set. It's, I left my phone in the van." He says trailing off his words, "Let's go get it." Izzy says, "Yea." "Yea." they start walking away. "Where is 'it' going?" Alec asks seeing as he wasn't in on their conversation like I was, "We'll be right back." Alec looks at her as if to say 'what are you up to?', "What? It passes the time." Izzy replies innocently, "Oh let her have a little fun Alec" I say getting up from leaning against him, "I can hear you guys, you know?" Simon asks as Izzy pushed him forward to start walking.

Me and Alec stood in silence leaning against the walls next to each other, but I could feel Alec's eyes on me every few seconds. "Take a picture...it'll last longer." I say smirking up at him, "I'm sorry I can't help it. Your just so b...beautiful..." He says, "Well thank you...Something tells me you have never said that sentence before..." I reply, "What gives it away? My standoff-ish personality? My sarcastic domineer?" He asks moving his body to face me, "Actually, it was the stutter.." I say teasingly, "Oh god.." Alec says putting his hands over his face. I pull his hands away from his face holding them in mine, I go up on my tippy toes to give his lips a quick peck, "Your so adorable.." I say smiling up at him as he does the same down to me, I let go of one of Alec's hands and pull him away from the wall as Clary and Jace come walking out of the Silent Brothers cave. "What happen? What did you find out?" Alec asks walking forward, "Valentine is Clary's father." Jace says quietly, I gasp in disbelief, "Wait a minute. Your telling me this girl shows up out of no where and she's Valentines daughter? Did, did it occur to you that she might be a spy? That this might be part of her plan?" Alec starts getting in Jace's face, "Alec-" I start trying to hold Alec back with my arm, "Enough Alec." Jace cuts me off. "Do you think I planned for my mom to get kidnapped or for Dot to be taken or to have a giant sword to be dangled over my head or to find out that my father is one of the most dangerous people in the world? Really?...Where's simon?" Clary asks forgetting about what Alec said and realizing her lost puppy dog wasn't in sight, Izzy walks up behind me and Alec, "Wheres Simon?" Clary asked Izzy. "I told him to stay int he van. I searched everywhere-" Clary cut Izzy off, "He's gone!?", "-I can't find him anywhere." Izzy finishes. "You were supposed to protect him! Simon!" Clary yells at Izzy as she runs to start looking for Simon, "Ugh, these mundanes are killing me..." I say as we start to follow Clary to where the van is parked. "Simon...Simon..No! Simon!" Clary yells as she looks through Simon's things in the van. "Is that the mundanes name?" We here behind us, we turn around to see Simon being held upside down by his feet by two vampires. "I'm afraid Simon is coming with us." the male vampire speaks again, "No! No he's not apart of this!" Clary yells running forward only to be stopped by Jace, "And it will be my pleasure to kill you unless you return him." Jace says. "Careful, you'll be violating the accords." Alec says stoping Jace from saying anything else stupid, "I'm afraid your sidekick is quite right. The night children have broken no laws...Where negotiating. The mundane unharmed in exchanged for the Mortal Cup. And the clock is ticking, tick tock people." the vampire spoke again. "Clary" Simon yelled as the vampires flew off, "Simon! No! Simon! Simon! Simon! Simon!" Clary's yells echoed through the trees as she kept calling for her best friend that was no longer safe in Shadowhunter hands.



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