•Twenty Seven

201 38 10

Caleb's pov

As we drove to the beach I was more and more excited to finally maybe hopefully! Get some alone time with Hanna because I've been meaning to talk to her about something for the past few days..I was thinking about moving back to New York with her..but I don't know how she'll react I mean we only moved back a couple years ago..but I think it's for the best...I must've went into a daze because Hanna kept snapping her fingers trying to get my attention

"Caleb! Caleb!" She said snapping her fingers "are you okay, you spaced out"

"Oh yea I'm fine" I said kissing her

"Guyssss at least wait till we get to the resort before you start because I'm not prepared to move for you two to get "comfortable" -Toby said laughing and scooting over

Hanna must have thought that was pretty funny because she sat on my lap deeping the kiss

"GUYS for real can't you wait another hour" Toby said looking at his watch

"Toby and I mean this in the nicest way shut up you idiot" Spencer said laughing "I think it's cute"

A few minutes later aria got the aux cord and I think she did this one on purpose "one day by Troy lanez" came on its pretty funny watching Toby get annoyed even tho we all know he's joking

"You've got to be kidding me" Toby said looking up at the ceiling of the car

"Toby stop picking on Caleb and Hanna" aria said as she turned the music off laughing

"Yea" Hanna said throwing a pillow at him

~~1 hour later

Hanna's pov

"We're here" Ezra said.It felt like we had been driving for ever now we got out and unloaded our stuff from the car we went Inside and checked in

"It's beautiful here" I told Caleb as we unlocked the door to our room

"Just like you" he said in a whisper as he kissed me

"I love you" I said as I kissed back wrapping my arms around his neck deeping the kiss and taking off his shirt

~~~~~~ we'll leave it there for now~~~~~~

2 hours later

"Where have you two been we've been trying to reach you for an hour" Spencer said handing me a water

"Umm..would you believe me if I said we we're shopping" I said looking at Caleb

"Well..considering you've wearing Calebs shirt and your hair wasn't like that when we got here..umm no" Spencer said laughing

"Well you weren't interrupting us this time" Caleb said laughing

"Caleb...you're lucky we're on vacation or id kill you" Spencer said

"What does being on vacation have to do anything" Caleb said obviously testing her "ohhh to many witnesses I guess that makes sense" he said laughing

"Remind me why I'm friends with you again" Spencer said smiling and laughing

"Come on let's really go shopping now that Hanna mentions it" aria said grabbing my hand "we'll be back soon"

As we were driving to the mall I kept asking what we were doing but they wouldn't tell me when we finally got there I realized it was a dress shop..

"Guys what are doing here" I said getting out and grabbing my bag "I don't need a wedding dress" I said walking it "but it is beautiful here" I said as we walked in

"Yes you do!!" I heard a familiar voice say as I turned around it was ali!

"ALI?!" You work here "I said giving her a hug

"Yea and the girls called me and told me everything so let's go find you the perfect dress"

"But we aren't having it until after I have the baby" I said following her

"That's why you're going to look today,find the one you like and we're going to put all sizes on hold for you" she said taking both my hands and pulling me Into this room full of beautiful dresses

"Okay let's go find your perfect dress" Ali said with a smile

Calebs pov

"So are you excited to be a father" Toby said ordering another drink

"Yea I mean it's a big responsibility but it's something we've both wanted for long so I'm definitely super happy and thankful" I said with a smile

"Are you blushing?!" "Is little Caleb blushing" Ezra said mocking me and laughing

"Okay okay" I said with a chuckle "but no really I'm super happy,it's weeks away now and the nerves are starting to kick in especially with renewing our vows after

"Yea man that's a lot of pressure but we'll Help out as much as we can" Toby said as the drinks arrived

"Thanks" I said taking a deep breath but there's something I need to talk to Hanna about but I don't know how she'll take it

"What is it?" Ezra asked

"I want to move back to New York..because of work and stuff and it would be a lot easier.."I said "but I know she wouldn't want to leave you guys

"Well me and Spencer still have our house in New York and we we're actually thinking the same because Spencer just got a new job

"Yea and I mean we'll visit you guys because we have a house up there" so we wouldn't be totally apart "I'm sure she won't mind Caleb" Ezra sat patting me on the back

Yea..I just need to get her out of this town..." I said with a deep breath


Hanna's pov
"So Hanna!! Have you found the dress yet!!' I heard ali yell from the other side of the door

"I-I think so I said walking out the room with a dress In my hands

"That's absolutely stunning" everyone said together gasping

It really is I said smiling! I couldn't believe things were actually looking up for me...after all these years I never thought I would be here.im overjoyed right now

Hey guys!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! I'll update as much as I can tonight ❤️if you liked it please comment and like

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