Wedding Bells: Part 2

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Listen to the song it really sets the mood!! And it ties the whole thing together!!

                             Caleb's pov

As Hanna walked towards me I was trying my best to hold back the tears that I felt starting to form. As she walked up and stood in front of me everything else stood still the only thing that mattered was her. As the music died down and everyone sat down I looked into Hanna's eyes and I couldn't help but smile as time went on it was time to resist our vows. I barely got a word out before I was starting to get chocked up but I finally managed to actually get the words out.

From the moment I met you Hanna Marin I knew that I loved you I just didn't know how much you make my bad days instantly better just by smiling that beautiful smile of yours,For the longest time I felt alone I couldn't find a day where I didn't but that was until you stepped into my life that was before you made me a dad,that was before any of this and now I'm the happiest I've ever been thank you for teaching me what it's like to be happy what it's like to stand up for myself you've never left me..even when I deserved it you believed in me you stayed with me and I'll never love anyone as much as I love you you give me a purpose and I'm so thankful to have you Hanna.

I finished as I could already see the tears starting to form so I whipped them away with my thumb and smiled and she mouthed "I love you so much"


Hanna's pov
When caleb said his vows I couldn't help but tear up it took everything for me not to full on cry when it was my turn it took me a minute to not let my voice be so shaky but I finally found my words---

The first day we met I'll admit it wasn't how I imagined it going I certainly didn't mean to spray pepper spray in your make me feel safe and protected ever single day I'm with you you gave me the opportunity to be a mother and I'm so grateful to have you in my life Caleb you complete everything I do you make my day better just by hugging me nobody will ever compare to are my whole world and I love you so much.

I finished my vows and I handed my flowers to aria and Toby handed Caleb the rings and smiled at me.

"Do you Hanna Marin to be your lawfully wedded husband" the minster said

"I do" I said smiling putting the ring on Calebs finger

"Do you Caleb rivers take Hanna Marin to be your lawfully wedded wife"

"I do Caleb" said as he put the ring on my finger

"I now pronounce you husband and wife" the minister said "you may now kiss the bride" he said as Caleb leaned in and can I just say sparks flew.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife" the minister said "you may now kiss the bride" he said as Caleb leaned in and can I just say sparks flew

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As we walked back down the isle and into the reception room aria pulled me aside

"Go change into what I put in the room for you,go go go" she said pushing me down the hall

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