•Wedding Bells: Part one

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                           Hanna's pov

Today's the day..today's the day I get to marry the love of my life for the second time I woke up in Caleb's arms Emily was bringing Taylor back today so I woke him up.

"Caleb,Wake up!!!." I said with excitement

"Morning beautiful." He said yawning "today's the day." He said smiling

"It is!." I said beaming with happiness


Caleb's pov

In less then 8 hours I'll be marrying the love of my life all over again and I've never been more excited Emily was bringing Taylor back home today so we got dressed and walked downstairs

"Caleb!" Hanna yelled from upstairs

"Yea?!" I replied making breakfast

"Can I wear one of your T-Shirts?!"

"Sure!" I said with a chuckle

As I finished making breakfast I heard a knock at the door so I put everything on the table and went to answer it

"Oh hey Emily." I said opening the door

"Hey Caleb" she said handing me Taylor and walking inside." Is Hanna awake?." She asked looking at the top of the stairs.

"Yea I'm awake" Hanna said walking down the stairs. "What's up?" She asked walking over to us.

"Oh I was gonna tell you, me Spencer and aria are coming over later to do your hair and makeup." She said smiling." Until then you two just relax and get ready for your big day!." She said with excitement.

"Thanks em." Hanna said hugging her as she left." I'll be right back I'm gonna go put Taylor down for her nap." Hanna said before walking upstairs

I feel like the luckiest guy in the world after everything we've been through we still managed to stay together and I pray it stays that way forever I walked upstairs as Hanna was coming out of Taylor's room.

"She's out like a light" she said smiley kissing me.

"You make happy you know that right" I said pulling her close.

"You make me happier" she said with a smile that could light up a room.

She makes me so happy the rest of the day was kinda just sitting around talking because with Hanna that's all I need to do to be happy around 4 Emily aria and Spencer came back to do her hair and makeup which meant I had to leave so Ezra and toby took me to the venue to get everything set up and the last little details and one very special surprise that had to be perfect.


Hanna's pov

"Are you nervous."?! Emily said as she started to do my hair

"Not really." I exclaimed as I looked at my phone.

"You know,you too are really the definition of the perfect couple." Spencer said searching through the makeup bag." Aria have you seen that nude lipgloss?." She asked confused

"Yea it's right here." Aria said throwing it to Spencer.

"No not this one!.,the other one." Spencer said rolling her eyes.

"Oh here." Aria said throwing another lipgloss tube to Spencer.

"Dude!" Spencer exclaimed. "What were you throw things geez." Spencer said as she turned back to me

"You look amazing all ready." She said with a smile.

"Thanks.!" I said taking a deep breath


Caleb's pov

As I finished getting ready I got a call from that super special surprise I was talking about earlier and it was perfect

"So man you ready?!" Toby said putting his hand  on my shoulder.

"Yea." I said taking a deep breath

"Don't be nervous man." Ezra said walking in the room. "I mean you did it once."

"True." I said laughing. "So when is it you twos turn to pop the question?." I asked putting my shoes on

"I've been thinking about it for a while but yea know I have to make sure everything's perfect" Toby said sitting beside me

"Yea same." Ezra said "I just have to get everything right"  "well." He said looking at his watch. "You ready man"

"Ready as I'll ever be" I said getting up


Hanna's pov
We were on the way to the venue and I was slowly starting to calm down but at the same time I was getting more nervous.

"You look beautiful Han" aria said stopping at the red light.

"Yea-" Spencer started before Taylor started crying.

"I got her" Spencer said as she started to calm Taylor down." I could use the practice anyway"

"Thanks Spence".i said as aria pulled into the venue."well we're here" she said getting out "I really shouldn't have got these shoes" aria said taking her shoes off

"I told you" Emily said with a chuckle

As we walked in the back way and I got everything touched up aria handed me my flowers. Toby was originally going to walk me down the isle when I heard the door open

"Dad?!" I exclaimed as I hugged him. "You came?!!"

"I couldn't miss my daughters wedding" he said. "You ready sweetheart" he said as we locked arms

"Yea" I said smiling as I heard the music start playing

I was so nervous but when I saw Caleb and the end of the walk way all my nerves floated away and I finally felt free from all the stress and worries that had accompanied me for most of my life..everything was finally perfect.

Okay so I decided to break this into to parts Bc it was way to long for one!!! Thank you once again from the Bottom of my heart for the support on this!! I'll be updating the last part which warning will be pretty long!!! And I hope you will read my sequel and my other stories in the future!! Also I will be updating a sneak peek of the sequel before hand!!! ❤️❤️

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