Ch. 5 Dinner Time

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The dining room was completely changed from the last time Flug saw it. The large oak table that was fit for twenty guests was gone and replaced with a small round table fit for two. Not only that, but the large chandelier hanging from the ceiling had its light set to dim, and the rest of the room was lit by the light of what had to be at least fifty candles placed around the room. Flug was stunned, and when he looked down he noticed that rose petals littered the floor. Black Hat seemed pleased with his handy work and lead Flug over to the small table, pulling his chair out for him before taking his own seat.

The demon put his elbows on the table and rested his head in his hands, looking dreamily at Flug. “Comfortable?” he asked.
The scientist couldn’t help but laugh a little at how cliché his boss was being. “Very,” he replied, meeting Black Hat’s gaze.
“Good,” said the villain, rising from his seat. “You just stay right there and I’ll be back in just a second.” With a swish of his coat tails he turned and entered the kitchen. A moment later he came back holding two plates of food. Flug recognized the dish to be spaghetti and meatballs.
Flug laughed again. “Very nice sir,” he teased, picking up his fork. Black Hat got a concerned look on his face.
“Why do you keep laughing?” he asked. “Do you not like what I’m doing for you?"
Flug rolled his eyes. “Of course not sir, everything so far has been lovely. I just think that you’re being…” he trailed off, choosing his next word carefully. “Cute.” 
Black Hat blushed mildly and pulled at his collar. “Not the word I would have picked, but I’ll take it,” he mumbled. Flug rolled his eyes again, but this time a smile was on his lips. He had to admit that his boss was being cute. The doctor put a forkful of spaghetti in his mouth and was surprised by how good it tasted. He didn’t peg Black Hat as the cooking type. “How is it so far?” he heard Black Hat ask.

He looked up at his boss. “Wonderful actually,” he admitted. He saw Black Hat breath out a sigh of relief.
“I’m glad you like it,” he said. “Now, I believe during a first date you’re supposed to get to know each other,” he suggested leaning back in his chair. “So, tell me about yourself.” Flug felt himself start to smile again. He was glad that his boss was putting in an effort for once.


“I don’t think I’m so good at this,” Flug blushed looking down at his feet.
He felt Black Hat’s hand tighten around his waist. “Nonsense,” he scoffed. “You’re doing just fine,” he concluded in a much softer tone. They had talked to each other for hours over dinner and during that time Black Hat had somehow convinced Flug to dance with him. So here they were, in the middle of the dining room, dancing. Flug heard the music start up again and before he knew it Black Hat was sweeping him off his feet. Flug couldn’t tell why, but he loved the feeling.

Black Hat heard Flug starting to laugh. He looked down at the scientist and his heart almost burst with joy. Flug seemed to be really enjoying himself. The demon couldn’t help but beam at his employee. Something started to bubble up inside of him again. A feeling like he never wanted this moment to end, or maybe, that he wanted to have a lot more moments just like this one. The villain had accepted the fact that he was extremely romantically drawn to his doctor, but there was something else peeking through now. It felt even stronger than romance. And a lot stronger than some childish crush. Suddenly his heart started to beat rapidly and he felt cold, but he was sweating. His feet slowly stopped moving until he came to a complete stop. Flug didn’t even notice until the music abruptly stopped as well.

“Sir?” he questioned, looking up at his boss. The villain couldn’t tear his eyes away. His face felt unbearably hot and he couldn’t breathe. Suddenly, he was able to take a gulp of air and his face started to tilt toward Flug’s. The doctor went beet red. “SIR?!?” he exclaimed stumbling backwards, only stopping when he hit a wall. His eyes were wide and his breathing rapid. Black Hat took a step back as well when he noticed the state of him.

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