Don't walk away.

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I quickly scraped up some dirt in my hands from the seats, I spit in my hand, enough for it to stick to the wheel, so they wouldn't be able to see what this guy was. I look to my side to see Dad offer me a hand so I wouldn't fall out of the truck or slip on one of the shells. I took his hand as he helped me down next to him.

" I've never seen this truck but I'll sell it for two hundred. "

" Make it lower. " I signed to Dad.

" One fifty. " he said. I looked back to the guy desperately.

" Sold, just get it out of here. " I jumped up excitedly while I placed my hands on Dads shoulders and jumping some more. Then I stopped at looked Dad in the face.

" Wait, are we paying? " I pointed between the two of us.

" No. Hey Lucas. " Lucas walked up to the three of us.

" Uh... What? "

" He's paying." He looked to Lucas. " Hundred fifty bud." Dad wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me along with him as he pulled out his phone.

" What are you doing? "

" Calling someone to pull the truck. "


" What is their relationship? " the older man asked.

" Father daughter, she's twenty four, her birthday is coming up. She's sexy isn't she? She has a great ass. She is totally gonna be my girlfriend. " Lucas stared after Naomi, watching her hips sway, and her hair bounce as she walked. He put his arm around the older man's back and put it on his shoulders, giving it a tight squeeze.

" If I can't stand you, there is no way she will stand you enough to even consider being in a relationship with you. " The older man walked away while shrugging off Lucas' arm.

When the tow truck came up to pull the Transformer, which only you knew his true identity, the guy wanted to be paid first, Lucas covered that too. Naomi hopped into her Dad's truck, Lucas got in his little car and they took off after the semi truck got hooked up, and the driver followed behind them. She found herself keeping her eyes on the old truck being pulled farther behind them, hoping he doesn't just stand up and walk off.

Tessa was approaching her house with her friends, Their hair blowing in the wind behind them. They pulled to a quick stop at a small group of mailboxes and an odd table with a large camera on it. Tessa gets out of the Jeep, the girls giggling quieted down.

" Two more weeks girls, till no more classes, ever. " another girl hopped out behind her.

" Almost time to get a tan and get wasted! " all the girls threw their hands up in the air and cheered. The Jeep drove off, the girl went her own way, while Tessa dug threw her family's' mailbox, grabbed the camera and one other thing before tossing them onto a small red wagon. She grabbed hold of the handle and pulled it behind her as she started on her way down the small dirt pathway to her house.

When she got closer to the house she opened the envelope that was meant for her. She quietly begged to herself while holding the letter up to the light above her head. The letter she had been long waiting for, from the college she dreamed of going too, and their response, she was denied. It read in big, bold red letters. She gave a heavy sigh while dropping her hand back down to her side.

" "No financial aid." Great. "

She approached the front of her home, the screen door opened and a small robotic dog rolled up to her on the porch. Barking the whole time.

" Yes, I know I'm home, thank you. " she said dully.

" Intruder alert! Back away from the premises! " she fought back with it, fed up.

" Voice recognition, it's me! " she snapped, stomping past it.

" I am dialing 911. "

  " Go right ahead. I don't care. " she stopped at her door, needing to open it first. She just gave up on the robot, not wanting to fight with it anymore. The not completely functional robot imitated a dog's growls, with a slight static-like sound to it.  

" I am still calling 911. " she closed the door with a growl of her own. 

Sorry for the shorter chapter, this little part wasn't to important, and yes I know, I could just make something up. I don't want to distract from the main story line too much, just 'here and there' that's all.


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